Home 2019 Elections Video: Fairfax County School Board Republican Candidate Claims “One Fairfax” “Gives Authoritarian...

Video: Fairfax County School Board Republican Candidate Claims “One Fairfax” “Gives Authoritarian Power to…the School Board”


From Democratic-endorsed Fairfax County School Board candidate Karl Frisch, about one of several extreme, Republican-endorsed, Fairfax County School Board candidates this year…

Last week my opponent said equity, diversity, and social justice were “fads.” Now she has really gone off the deep end, telling last night’s audience (video) at Camelot Elementary School:

“I do not agree with One Fairfax. That is the most ambiguous and arbitrary thing I’ve ever seen. It gives authoritarian power to both the board of supervisors and the school board.”

AUTHORITARIAN POWER? Well, that certainly sounds scary!

This is what the One Fairfax policy actually does:

“One Fairfax … commits the county and schools to intentionally consider equity when making policies or delivering programs and services. It’s a declaration that all residents deserve an equitable opportunity to succeed—regardless of their race, color, sex, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, disability, income or where they live.” [Fairfax County Board of Supervisors]

There is nothing ambiguous or arbitrary about treating all of our students with dignity and respect.

On the school board, I will fight to defend the One Fairfax policy from people who think equity, diversity, and social justice are “fads.”

I will stand up to fringe extremists who think the quality education that our students receive should be dictated by where they live or how much money their parents make.

No student should be disadvantaged because of their race, color, sex, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, income, or where they live. Period.

There are only 48 days left until the election. We must raise $8530 to finish funding our get out the vote operation. If turnout is too low, my opponent could win. We cannot let that happen.

I hope we can count on you,


UPDATE 9/19: On a related note, check out Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Braband explaining why Republican disinformation regarding school boundaries and “busing” are completely without merit.


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