by Ailurophile
45 is in free fall and he’s going to take a lot of Virginia Republicans down with him.
With the Republicans’ record on gun control and healthcare being as abysmal as it is, Democrats had already had good reason to be optimistic about the upcoming legislative races, at least according to this Wason Center for Public Policy survey, which is analyzed here by WaPo’s Laura Vozzella.

Can we agree, though, to take nothing for granted? Victory goes to those who show up – and are informed. For all those who plan to vote the party line – and that’s a lot of people – the sample ballot is critical, especially for the down-ballot races, which are so often ignored by voters, the media, and even the parties. Some of these seats are not party-affiliated, at least not officially, and for some that are, there’s no party designation alongside the name (e.g., for commonwealth’s attorneys).
These races are critical not only because local officials make decisions that impact our daily lives, but also because many politicians set out on their career path with these smaller races as their first stepping stone. Voting for these seats is therefore crucial for us in our personal lives, but also for building a deep Democratic bench – something we desperately need to have – and for running interference on ambitious Republicans.
THAT’s where the all-important sample ballot comes in: that piece of paper handed out by poll greeters that tells voters who all of their party’s candidates and allies are for every seat, from senate to sheriff to school board. For Virginia Democrats, this expense is often handled by the county committees, especially in off-off years like this one, and it’s not cheap.
That’s why grassroots superPAC VA 7th for Progress, which has already run matching fund drives to raise money for Ann Ridgeway, Juanita Jo Matkins, Marques Jones, and Amanda Pohl, is offering a matching fund opportunity for the Louisa County Democratic Committee. We will match up to $250 (all sums beyond that will also go to the Louisa County Dems). Click HERE to help #TurnLouisaBlue (we love small amounts!). And thank you!