Home 2019 Elections Far-Right Fairfax School Board Member Unleashes Unhinged Tirade Against “All Manner of...

Far-Right Fairfax School Board Member Unleashes Unhinged Tirade Against “All Manner of Crazy LIES!”

Schultz rants against Beto, Soros, "Liz" Warren, "One Fairfax," "globalism," "socialism," Saul Alinsky, Rachel Maddow, etc, etc.


This past week, we broke the story of Fairfax County School Board member Elizabeth Schultz’s bizarre tirade to the “Prince William & Manassas Family Alliance” about how she’s supposedly been “bullied mercilessly” on the School Board (in fact, she’s the bully); something about the Holocaust and “both sides” being presented (HUH?), as well as something or other about a Muslim kid in biology class…wuuuut? Now, she’s out with another unhinged rant (also, see below), in which she fulminates about:

  • Supposed “Desperation to distract from bombshell origins of “One Fairfax” brings all manner of crazy lies!” (and if anyone knows about “crazy lies,” that would be Sebastian Gorka-loving Elizabeth Schultz!)
  • Again, supposed “Hard left advocacy groups, funded by George Soros and others, who are working to take over Fairfax County to form its future with a radical agenda.” (gotta love the anti-Semitic “dog whistle” there, eh?)
  • That Fairfax County’s supposedly going down the tubes (note: it is not!) because of “the lens of One Fairfax,” the “hard left,” Rachel Maddow, “Liz” Warren, Soros, “an array of well-funded hardcore advocacy organizations selling junk science and economics,” and “a national progressive party plan, embracing globalism and socialism.” (Seriously, Schultz needs to turn off Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, etc. and maybe go out for some fresh air or something)
  • Her independent opponent, Kyle McDaniel, who she says is “a once self-proclaimed ‘future rising star of the GOP’ – who exited politics in a national temper tantrum (that mirrored known left-of-left work in the party) celebrated by no less than MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow – only to promptly return from the orchestrated-fame hunt to … run for political office.” (Actually, Kyle McDaniel should be praised for realizing how bats***-crazy the Republican Party has gotten…and for having acted accordingly. Case in point of how crazy the GOP has become: Elizabeth Schultz!)
  • That she absolutely did NOT claim “there are two sides to the Holocaust,” that accusing her of saying that is “beyond personally reviling, as the granddaughter of an Hungarian immigrant – whose family was rescued ahead of these very atrocities – by other relatives, my Scottish immigrant grandfather and great-grandparents.” (I’ll take her word for that, but would recommend that she choose her words carefully when discussing such sensitive, explosive topics as the Holocaust. Because her actual comments were kind of rambling and almost incomprehensible – “If you are a ninth grader in biology who is a Muslim girl or a 10th grader in a history class who has great grandparents who were from the Holocaust, do you think that you have the ability to stand up there and say ‘no’ to a teacher or say ‘that’s not right that you’re teaching me that’ or that you’re delimiting my ability to offer my side of it? The school boards are not demanding both sides of an issue be presented.” Huh?)
  • “[W]ebsites like Al-Jazeera,” which she says “have contrary objectives to the truth on historical events like the Holocaust.” (Love how she cites a website with an Arabic name and again mentions the Holocaust. Weird.)
  • The “mob,” which likes “[t]aking what you said, turning it into what you didn’t say and then attacking you for what you didn’t say – this is the playbook of hardcore left politics that has no place in a local School Board race.” (Psychological projection, anyone?)
  • “The desire of the hard left for total control of this School Board,” which supposed – among other things –  wants to “eradicate any voice that doesn’t consent to party rule. Period.” (Who exactly on the Fairfax County School Board is “hard left?” Schultz doesn’t say, because…nope, there isn’t anybody. Unless, of course, you think that working for a top-notch school system, with equity of opportunity for all students, is a BAD thing.)
  • “The non-stop hustle of using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals is something I have endured for years.” (Yes, another favorite bogeyman of the far-right, and also just coincidentally someone who was Jewish.)
  • In sum, according to Schultz: “deception is their platform. Lying to get into office and covering up or, worse, ignoring the real effort to reshape Fairfax County by the reach of George Soros and his ilk – via the Commonwealth Attorneys races here and in Arlington County, and through the radical ‘One Fairfax’ agenda.” (I mean, it’s certainly a narrative. A crazy, false narrative, but a narrative nonetheless. And, apparently, if you are the type who watches Fox “News” all day or is a Trump dead-ender, perhaps you believe this kind of crap. Fortunately, the vast majority of Fairfax County voters are neither!)

In short, it’s astounding – and embarrassing, really – that someone like Elizabeth Schultz can be on a school board, let alone of a county with 1.2 million people like Fairfax. On 11/5, get her OUTTA there and vote for Democrat Laura Jane Cohen instead. With that, here’s Schultz’s complete, unedited tirade…enjoy? LOL

Desperation to distract from bombshell origins of “One Fairfax” brings all manner of crazy lies!

WOW – the propaganda is thick out there, folks. I guess it’s no surprise, as it is the medium of those who have nothing else to turn to – no winning issue, no ideas, nothing. We see in the frantic efforts by both of my Springfield District opponents to throw anything in right now and see what sticks.

Why? What don’t they want you to know, with just three weeks left in the campaign, and who is pushing this insanity?

The Answer? Hard left advocacy groups, funded by George Soros and others, who are working to take over Fairfax County to form its future with a radical agenda.

The “One Fairfax” policy adopted by the Board of Supervisors and School Board, is the root – among many other things – to the massive school boundary policy rewrite that was recently unveiled. It has been clear to me from the beginning that there was something very wrong about the underpinnings of this policy, as none of the basic questions I asked about legality and purpose were answered, no matter how many times I asked.

Well, now we know why. Investigative Journalist Luke Rosiak has just published a bombshell report which details how widespread this radical agenda is, not just in Fairfax, but across the country – one in ten Americans lives in a city or county targeted by just one of the groups working behind this orchestrated and well-funded effort to transform how we live. READ LUKE’S ARTICLE …

Your neighborhood schools, our home values, the county’s economic development health and our community’s quality of life are too important to the cesspool of lies in which these candidates deal to go without remark. 

There is a lot here to explain to you what is at risk.  Please DONATE now if you already know the truth, but then please keep reading – it is absolutely crucial to understand how much is on the line and how to stop this radical takeover attempt of Fairfax by sharing with others to save our county.

Beto, Liz Warren, Rachel Maddow, Soros & The Origins of Lies – the redundancy, while obvious, is necessary

Just like at a national level, the careening to the hard left is on full display at local levels of government across the country, beset upon by an array of well-funded hardcore advocacy organizations selling junk science and economics to advance their mission. The legacy of the careening – gang activity, homelessness, pan-handling, vaping and opioid abuse – is already plaguing Fairfax County; we can’t afford any agendas which create more problems than we already have.

However, the plan is no different with the opponents in the Springfield District, one who is out door knocking with Beto O’Rourke and stumping for Elizabeth Warren while running. It’s not about Fairfax – it’s about a national progressive party plan, embracing globalism and socialism. It’s frightening and has no business in a local School Board race or seat.

Or the other opponent – a once self-proclaimed “future rising star of the GOP” – who exited politics in a national temper tantrum (that mirrored known left-of-left work in the party) celebrated by no less than MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow – only to promptly return from the orchestrated-fame hunt to … run for political office.

While professing to be ‘free of party politics’, his first calls for endorsements and money? To members, retired officials and failed candidates of the very political party and realm he had so publicly-decried. Raging hypocrite doesn’t even begin to touch this candidate.

On a bonus note, as a former political staffer who also claims to have been doing the job for me, no one has ever seen him step foot into a School Board Meeting. Not once. Never has he spoken to the Board or sat in a Work Session or Regular Business Meeting to observe, opine or protest any issue, never mind the countless matters of significance which impact the academic achievement of our students or the lives of our residents.

While the origin of lies is only beginning to be fully understood in Luke Rosiak’s work and articles by others on the same subject, with the agenda unfolding and laid bare like it has been in Fairfax County Public Schools, members of the public began to pay attention.

Smart parents roll
While both opponents have been permanently absent – one for anything and the other on the topic – the lurch of the “One Fairfax” agenda is so jarring that many regular parents and taxpayers from across the county engaged on what was happening. One observant local mom, Margaret McCreary, said “School board meetings suddenly became like Mad Libs. They started repeating certain phrases, jamming them into every sentence. It was very odd,” per Rosiak.

Odd is right. The expanse of “One Fairfax” driving every decision through the “lens of equity” is stark and cross-governmental. The taxing authority of the Board of Supervisors, with the threat of the power of the purse behind them, now seeks to influence how the School Board governs and operates FCPS.  In their April 2019 Budget Guidance for FY 2020 and FY 2021, the Board of Supervisors directed the School Board to look at boundary changes, address “overcrowding and underutilization (sic) of existing facilities, with emphasis on guidance by the One Fairfax policy”.

At a School Board’s successive Work Session in July – for the big reveal of the wholesale rewrite of the draft boundary policy – parents showed up in such numbers, it resulted in a beyond-capacity protest. They were prepared, having watched countless hours of video to catch up on 18 months or more of Board discussion. It had become clear to many of them that their School Board was working against, not for, them.

Incredulously though, on the campaign trail, my fellow candidates, our volunteers and even parents have been accosted and told they are the ones who are “lying” when sharing with friends and neighbors their concerns about what the School Board has in store in deploying “the lens of One Fairfax” on school boundaries. ‘The bolder the lie’…but people in Fairfax are smart and they are on to this fiasco. The great message just sent to me is just one of endless examples:

The most surprising and disappointing development, perhaps, was the Superintendent’s own unprecedented video decrying that any boundary changes are forthcoming – despite over 18 months of unrelenting work by the School Board and division leadership to bring forward sweeping changes in the underlying policy. Shockingly, the video and accompanying letter, make no mention of the entire underlying premise for overhauling the boundary policy: “One Fairfax” had been scrubbed of any mention.

Either we’ve wasted 18 months of Board and staff time on this work for no purpose – or it is precisely the groundwork undertaken by a network of agenda-driving activists and organizations working on staff and officials of local governments in communities across the country. The sweeping effort to instill the transformation and radical agenda is evidenced in Rosiak’s article info-graphic figure tying together academics, activists and funders.

So, ‘the Holocaust’? What? Are you serious? 

While I have been very forthright, letting everyone know that the School Board has had endless conversations about redistricting and has the goal of embedding every decision in the county “through the lens of One Fairfax” – all of a sudden my opponents are talking about attendance and claiming I said “there are two sides to the Holocaust”? What?

It defies credulity to the point that I hazard to respond. But – this lie is so despicable, that I must. It is beyond personally reviling, as the granddaughter of an Hungarian immigrant – whose family was rescued ahead of these very atrocities – by other relatives, my Scottish immigrant grandfather and great-grandparents.

At a recent fundraiser for a group of pastors and other family-focused individuals – (segue: which pathetically generated enough ire that I would possibly dare to engage with people of faith on my own time that I was literally stalked and followed there …to fabricate exactly this type of story; truly it’s insidious)…

In any event, I highlighted the concerns students and parents have shared with bias in classrooms, curriculum, and resources to which students are directed. Further, I discussed the difficulty parents have in being connected to what their children are supposed to be learning with increasing move to digital curriculum, especially if the parents are not native English speakers, given that our students speak over 200 languages and dialects. This is data the recent Family Engagement Survey conducted by FCPS confirmed.

I shared that we have students of different cultures and faiths who encounter bias in class or resources and, I offered as an example, if a student with grandparents or great-grandparents who survived the Holocaust – who know from their family history know what transpired – and then encounter a different version – from a teacher, curriculum or website!, – they would have difficulty standing up for themselves just as a student for what they knew to be true.

That this has been perverted for political gain is nothing short of disgusting. 

Notably, websites like Al-Jazeera have now become a commonly used resource – in our “Google Classrooms” and other technology-driven class assignments – and have been frequently been brought to my attention by students and parents alike. They express grave concerns on the content of curriculum and the types of resources to which students are driven, which have contrary objectives to the truth on historical events like the Holocaust.

Real problems exist in turning over our classrooms to tech giants that have been fined billions of dollars for violating everyone’s privacy – including the privacy of young children! Further, we are distancing parents from what their children should learn, and are learning, which is a particular obstacle for immigrant parents whose culture, values or language put them at a disadvantage to advocate for their child.

This is what these candidates and their surrogates bury in order to sell lies to secure votes and power. It’s despicable.

This playbook is so old and tired – next? The mob will descend …
Taking what you said, turning it into what you didn’t say and then attacking you for what you didn’t say – this is the playbook of hardcore left politics that has no place in a local School Board race. It won’t stop them from doing it, though.

Meanwhile, candidates running to stay on the Board, or who are now exiting, cannot stand that parents in the community have found exactly what they have and documented it. Watch what matters: Voices of Fairfax

You name it. The agenda pushing is real, and it drives the focus of this Board away, time and again, meeting after meeting (we’ve had four meetings now where we’ve discussed straws!) from the meaningful issues which impact student learning every day. Parents know it. Teachers feel it. Students experience it.

The desire of the hard left for total control of this School Board
We are the experimental laboratory for social engineering, in the classroom and in the county, and it is on full display. Every single School Board since 1996 – when we began electing versus appointing them – has had a super-majority of one party. Power has been consolidated completely; in 24 years, just 14 people have served as Chairman … all by one party. They’ve had a quarter of century – and it still isn’t enough! They want to eradicate any voice that doesn’t consent to party rule. Period.

Nothing is beneath them. If you tell the truth, they go after you. If they can, they will mock you into silence. The non-stop hustle of using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals is something I have endured for years. Now, they have even gone so far at to parlay a serious illness I endured at the beginning of the year into their lone, sad campaign issue; these two opponents have turned themselves into glorified hall monitors instead of being serious candidates focused any issue in the county or in the classroom.

Yet, the bigger the lie they can sell, the more they count on you buying it.

So, deception is their platform. Lying to get into office and covering up or, worse, ignoring the real effort to reshape Fairfax County by the reach of George Soros and his ilk – via the Commonwealth Attorneys races here and in Arlington County, and through the radical “One Fairfax” agenda. Listen to the interview I just had with Larry O’Connor on WMAL to talk about this.

The Ask: Three Things 

  1. DonatePlease help today so I may have the privilege to continue to serve you on what matters for Fairfax.

  2. Share: It’s in your hands to keep a voice on the Board to represent you. Share this message with those you know and vote November 5th to reject the tactics being deployed to remove your voice.

  3. Learn: There are many more unique, excellent and brave candidates facing the same onslaught, simply because they seek to be authentic public stewards. Learn more about these great candidates

Reject the toxic cancel culture and let’s get back to local education of our children, supporting our teachers, respecting taxpayers and valuing parents as partners.
In Service


For donation by check, please send to: Friends of Elizabeth Schultz, c/o 6806 Wandering Lane, Clifton, VA 20124


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