Home Guns Washington Post Blasts VA Republicans For Complete Failure To Address Gun Violence

Washington Post Blasts VA Republicans For Complete Failure To Address Gun Violence


Check out the following from the Democratic Party of Virginia, re: the editorial by the Washington Post: Virginians want more gun control. Their votes for the legislature can make it happen.

Washington Post Blasts VA Republicans For Complete Failure To Address Gun Violence

After a recent poll showed gun policy to be a top issue for Virginia voters ahead of November’s election, the Washington Post Editorial Board condemned Virginia Republicans for utterly failing to address this issue. Blasting House Speaker Kirk Cox and others for always siding with the NRA over their constituents, the board concludes that the only way to address the crisis of gun violence in Virginia is for voters to support Democrats in November and flip control of the General Assembly.


“Could there be any more obvious sign that the NRA and gun-toting acolytes from other groups are indistinguishable satellites of Virginia’s Republican Party — and vice versa? By now, it is beyond clear that a GOP-controlled General Assembly in Richmond will never enact meaningful measures to reduce gun violence


It is plainly true that the only way to restrict gun use, curtail the lethality of firearms or add muscle to penalties for gun-law violations is to elect Democrats who, if they capture a handful of seats, would gain control of both houses of the General Assembly for the first time in more than 20 years.


Republicans such as Mr. Cox, who wields enormous power in the House of Delegates, and Timothy D. Hugo, who represents parts of Fairfax and Prince William counties and is the House GOP caucus chairman, have systematically opposed measures that would advance the sort of reasonable gun reform that has broad support among Virginians.


Polls have consistently shown that Virginians favor more gun control, including overwhelming support for expanded background checks for purchases. Their views are not reflected in the state legislature, whose districts have been heavily gerrymandered by Republicans who have controlled Richmond for too long. It’s time that changed.”





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