Home Dominion Power With 13 Days Until Virginia Votes, Dominion Energy CEO Spews “Greenwashing” and...

With 13 Days Until Virginia Votes, Dominion Energy CEO Spews “Greenwashing” and Puts Finger on the Scale for His Preferred Candidates

Why is it even legal for the state-"regulated" monopoly utility to do this s***???


Can someone explain why this s*** from the supposedly state-“regulated” monopoly utility is legal? I mean, sure, employees of Dominion Energy – including the CEO – have First Amendment rights, like everyone else. But what we have here is, again, the supposedly state-“regulated”  monopoly utility spewing forth “greenwashing”/propaganda right before an election, and putting its finger heavily on the scale for its preferred candidates — which it calls, in Orwellian fashion, those who support “rational policies that promote energy security, reliability and affordability, and economic growth.” In fact, what Dominion really considers to be “rational policies” are those that increase its own profits, even if means building massive new fossil fuel infrastructure (e.g., the extremely polluting Atlantic Coast Pipeline boondoggle) that utterly refute Dominion’s laughable claim to be “leading the country’s transition to clean energy.” Anyway…can someone please explain why we let the state-“regulated” monopoly utility get away with this crap?


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