Home Donald Trump Audio: More Looniness, Courtesy of Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA05), This Time on...

Audio: More Looniness, Courtesy of Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA05), This Time on Impeachment, the USMCA and “Far-Left Twitter Trolls”

In short: It makes no sense for Dems to impeach Trump if they like the USMCA trade deal


Most of us concluded long ago that Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA05) is a far-right crackpot and Trump dead-ender who probably should be ignored until he can be defeated at the polls, preferably in November 2020. Still, while the guy’s still around the halls of Congress, we might as well get some comedic value from his, er, thoughts (loosely speaking).

For instance, this morning on far-right, Trumpster radio (“The John Fredericks Show”; check out the audio, below), here’s what Riggleman had to say about impeachment and the news that the U.S. House could vote on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement (USMCA) shortly.

“Yeah, so [Nancy Pelosi]’s gonna try to impeach the very person that negotiated the deal — his team — to improve trade with Mexico and Canada and get rid of NAFTA. So think about the…cognitive dissonance you have to have to push that message. It’s extraordinary. It’s extraordinary…I hope people listening just sort of try to think about that today as you’re going to work and your life. And why, first of all, why anyone would wait to politicize something else again. Why wasn’t USMCA on the table months ago? C’mon. Again -smart, normal-thinking people need to rise up. We need, again, a brigade of common-sense people, the normal people brigade to say ‘Enough is enough’.”

Yep, that totally makes sense: Democrats shouldn’t impeach a corrupt, lawless, out-of-control President because his administration negotiated the USMCA. In short, you can’t impeach Trump if you like his trade deal (which, by the way, the International Monetary Fund analyzed as follows: “together these provisions would adversely affect trade in the automotive, textiles and apparel sectors, while generating modest aggregate gains in terms of welfare, mostly driven by improved goods market access, with a negligible effect on real GDP“). Brilliant, eh?

Oh, and in other news, Riggleman also believes that “Nancy Pelosi isn’t the leader of [the Democratic] Party,” that impeachment and the Democratic Party in general are being driven by “fear” of “far-left Twitter trolls” and “these justice Democrats that are going to try to primary many of the moderate Democrats in the party.” So…yeah, none of this is even remotely true, but whatever you say Rep. Riggleman.


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