Home 2020 Elections Audio: Terry McAuliffe Says There’s “None,” ZERO” Scenario in Which Hillary Clinton...

Audio: Terry McAuliffe Says There’s “None,” ZERO” Scenario in Which Hillary Clinton Enters 2020 Race for President

McAuliffe thinks it will be tough for Michael Bloomberg, even tougher for Deval Patrick, at this point. And he doesn't rule out a run for Virginia governor in 2021.


This is very interesting, given Terry McAuliffe’s very close friendship with Bill and Hillary Clinton: this morning, McAuliffe said point blank that there’s “none,” “zero” scenario in which Hillary Clinton enters the 2020 Democratic race for President.

In other news, McAuliffe said it will be “hard” for Michael Bloomberg to gain any traction at this point, given it’s “late in the process,” and very shortly it will be “showtime.”  On the other hand, Bloomberg “doesn’t have to worry about the money…will have the money to compete.” As for Deval Patrick, he has a “much tougher road because how’s he going to raise the money” and “he’s not going to be on the debate stage.”

As for a possible 2021 run for governor, McAuliffe said he’s not ruling it out.


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