Home Donald Trump Audio: On Trumpster Radio This Morning, Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA06) Demonstrates Yet...

Audio: On Trumpster Radio This Morning, Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA06) Demonstrates Yet Again Why He’s Utterly Unfit to Serve in Congress

Among other things, accuses Reps. Luria and Spanberger of "abrogation of duty" for supporting impeachment


It’s painful to listen to Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA06), as the guy just constantly spews out idiocy, falsehoods, extremism and craziness. Oh, and also complete lack of respect for the rule of law, the constitution and his oath of office. Back in October, conservative blog Bearing Drift posted “Ben Cline Betrays Conservatives and Beclowns Himself in Joining SCIF Stunt,” commenting that Cline “deserves neither power nor office.”

For more on this extremist nutter, see Audio: Yep, Ben Cline Is Just As Bat*** Crazy As We Thought He’d Be., in which Cline rants about Nancy Pelosi & “extremist” Democrats “pushing for open borders” as part of a plot to “replenish their voting base”; suggests Trump do SOTU from a stadium “at the border,” etc. Also see Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA06) Continues in His Predecessor’s Disgraceful Footsteps), in which Cline voted against helping Native American tribes “respond to horrific levels of violence directed at Native American women.” The craziness goes on and on with this guy, including not surprisingly regarding Cline’s utter refusal to uphold his oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” against a lawless, out-of-control president.

The latest example of Cline’s refusal to uphold his oath of office? See below for audio of Cline’s appearance on far-right Trumpster radio (“The John Fredericks Show”) this morning, where Cline goes every so often to let his far-right freak flag *really* fly. In this episode, Cline threw words around like “coup attempt.” Cline then threw around flat-out, wild lies like:

  • Democrats supposedly “don’t have the evidence to support bribery, they don’t have the evidence to support Russia collusion, so they’re creating these charges out of thin air…”
  • “At the end of the day…this president did not do anything that rises to the level of high crimes or misdemeanors, an impeachable offense that requires him to be removed from office. He’s done a great job on the economy, done a great job draining the swamp, and he should be allowed to remain in office and be reelected next November.”
  • Reps. Elaine Luria and Abigail Spanberger are both supposedly guilty of “abrogation of duty on their part” for supporting impeachment and are “showing their true colors.”
  • Perhaps most outrageously, that it’s somehow *Democrats’ fault* (!!!) for the fact that the Republican-controlled Senate has not acted on hundreds of bills passed by the Democratic-controlled House (“House members have passed or agreed to 389 bills and 151 resolutions since January, when Democrats took control”) and sent over for action. So yes, the House was able to pass nearly 400 bills – many of them superb, by the way – while *also* dealing with a lawless, corrupt, out-of-control president, while the U.S. Senate under “Moscow Mitch”‘s fine leadership didn’t do shit. And Cline blames…yep, *Democrats* for that! It would be completely unbelievable if we didn’t see this sort of insanity on a daily basis from Republicans these days. My god…



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