Home 2020 Elections Sen. John Bell (D-SD13): Joe Biden Has the Character and Experience to...

Sen. John Bell (D-SD13): Joe Biden Has the Character and Experience to Lead America 


by Virginia State Senator John Bell (D-SD13)

Politics are broken in Donald Trump’s America. Big money dominates our democracy. Too many Americans are excluded from the American dream. Erratic defense policies disrespect our allies and threaten the security of our troops.

Our nation’s character is on the ballot in 2020. On Election Day, we must fight to defend the values that make up the foundation of our democracy: inclusivity, tolerance, diversity, respect for the rule of law, freedom of speech, and most importantly a shot at the American dream.

Joe Biden has proven, from County Council to Capitol Hill to the White House, that he always has and always will fight for working families. He will bring stability to our political and economic decision making, respect our service members, and recommit to our allies. And, most importantly, he will support working families while rebuilding the middle class.

On March 3, I will proudly vote for Joe Biden to be the Democratic nominee for President because he is the only candidate who can make Trump a one-term president.

For 20 years – 12 as Chairman or Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and 8 as Vice President – Joe played a pivotal role shaping US foreign policy. He led the US through the most pressing issues of our time, including terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and post-Cold War aggression by Russia and China.

As President, Joe will continue to stand up to strongmen and rally the world to meet our greatest challenges. Under Joe’s leadership, we will repair our relationships with our allies. We will reclaim our longstanding position as the world’s moral compass and economic leader.

In addition to his foreign policy experience, Joe has the vision to course correct and build on the successes of the Obama-Biden administration. As Vice President, Joe managed implementation of the Recovery Act. His efforts led to 75 uninterrupted months of job growth and helped America avoid another Great Depression. And he did it all with less than 1% in waste – it was the most efficient government program in our country’s history.

As President, Joe will continue to expand economic opportunity. He believes in an America where hard work enables workers to share in the prosperity that their work creates, and where workers are treated with dignity and receive the pay, benefits, and workplace protections they deserve.

Joe has always prioritized working families, and as parents of a service member who deployed to Iraq, Joe understands that it’s not just military members who sign up to serve our nation, their families do. That’s why Joe has always made it a personal and professional priority to give his best to military families. Less than one percent of Americans sign up to serve, and Joe believes that, as a nation, we have a truly sacred obligation to prepare and equip our troops and to take care of them and their families. Supporting military families will be a top priority for the Biden Administration because they deserve that and more.

I am a husband, a father, and a grandfather. A retired US Air Force Officer. A Virginia State Senator. Like Joe, I have devoted my life and career to directly improving the lives of children, workers, and families across the Commonwealth and beyond.

At this moment in time, we need someone who has the experience and vision to lead our country and repair the damage done by Donald Trump. Please join me in voting for Joe Biden on March 3.


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