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Video: Arlington County Board Chair Libby Garvey Comments Briefly on Vice Chair Erik Gutshall’s “Health Crisis”

"Our thoughts are with him and his family today"


UPDATE: The Washington Post has now reported it, so it’s public, that “Gutshall has been hospitalized for treatment of a brain tumor, his wife reported on social media Sunday night.” My understanding was this was posted on her *personal* page, which means it shouldn’t be shared publicly. But perhaps the WaPo got permission to share the information?


I hadn’t posted on this situation previously, because I strongly believe that it’s important to respect people’s privacy about health-related matters. So for now, I’ll simply post the video from this morning’s Arlington County Board meeting, at which Chair Libby Garvey said:

“I think, as many of you know, our colleague, my Vice Chair, Erik Gutshall is not with us today. He is dealing with a health crisis and we miss him, and our thoughts are with him and his family today.”

I checked previous Arlington County Board meeting videos, and it looks like Erik Gutshall hasn’t been there for at least a week or so. Anyway…I like Erik a *lot*, greatly respect him, strongly supported him when he ran, and am really hoping that he overcomes this “health crisis,” as Garvey (correctly) puts it. Also, I very much echo what Chair Garvey said, that my thoughts are very much with Erik and his family right now!


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