Home 2020 Elections Don’t Wait: Let’s Get to Work and Help Joe Win!

Don’t Wait: Let’s Get to Work and Help Joe Win!


by Cindy

I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get real antsy about November. With every leadership failure from Washington, every divisive and demented press conference or Tweet, I’m more acutely aware how critical this election is, how urgently we need someone who will listen to scientists and experts, who can work with other world leaders and state leaders, and who will rebuild a functioning government. This feels like a life-or-death election for our democracy.

Joe Biden is now the presumptive nominee, but his campaign can’t really kick into gear until after the convention in August. And this will be a strange campaign where we may not be able to knock doors and hold big rallies and events. So it will be more important than ever to be creative in our campaigning, to maximize social media and digital outlets, and to be as loud as we can and to generate enthusiasm and hype every way we know how. It’s my personal belief that there aren’t really undecided voters this year—it all comes down to people voting like their lives depend on it.
Here are a handful of ways you can already help, right now.
  • First, check Mobilize for upcoming (virtual) events. Tonight, there’s a great town hall on gun violence, with Fred Guttenberg. This Saturday there’s a big Soul of the Nation service day in honor of the anniversary of the campaign.
  • Get the Team Joe App for your phone–in addition to giving you fun Joe emojis and GIFs to use in your messages, works like Voter Circle, to make it easy for you to remind people in your social network to vote.
  • Sign up to join the team: https://joebiden.com/take-action/ Right now they’re making calls to states with primaries yet to come (by law they cannot do general election campaigning, but these early calls will still help collect voter data for the general).
  • Twitter: Follow the official campaign accounts @JoeBiden and @TeamJoe (And here are a few more: @DrBiden, @JTOBrown, @MollyRitner, @AndrewBatesNC, @SymoneDSanders, @RemiMYamamoto, @CristobalJAlex, @MichelleWKwan, @TDucklo, @BenC00, @MichaelLaRosaDC, @RonaldKlain, @KBeds, @MeganApper, @PaigeinTN, @itsagreenthingg, @johnwmccarthy, @Rob_Flaherty, @BillR, @schultzohio) And reply/retweet as much as you can. When you see Joe go live with a video, watch and share.
  •  Facebook: Join the official Joe for Virginia page and share things to your own FB page and groups you belong to. Even non-political neighborhood groups—find sneaky ways to gently bring it up if you can.
  • Listen to (and share) these fun podcasts: https://joebiden.com/heres-the-deal/
  • Lastly, there’s DNC texting: https://democrats.org/act/?permalink=sign-up-to-join-totv&mc_optin=OP100259E32560EBD845D211D76BE67437

We need all hands on deck. No one can sit this one out. We will have the chance to rebuild our economy when the pandemic is over, we cannot afford that rebuilding to be done by the incumbent. We cannot afford four more years. Our democracy will not survive. Don’t let yourself wake up on another Wednesday in early November, broken-hearted and guilty for not doing everything you could.


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