Home COVID-19 So Much for the “Trump Bump?” “Rally Around the Flag” Phenomenon Happening...

So Much for the “Trump Bump?” “Rally Around the Flag” Phenomenon Happening with Governors, World Leaders Not Named Trump

Trump down to 45%/52% in today's Navigator Research survey


So much for the Trump polling “bump,” part of a “rally around the flag” effect that we often see when the nation faces a major crisis?  Check out the latest from the daily Navigator Research survey, and it’s looking like Trump’s polling “bump” – always a small one compared to governors like Andrew Cuomo (“87% of NYers Approve of Cuomo’s Handling of the Coronavirus Pandemic, While 41% Approve of Trump’s Handling”) and many other world leaders (e.g., Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Giuseppe Conte…) – is starting to fade, as the reality of the Coronavirus crisis, as well as Trump’s major role in letting it get so bad, sinks in. By the way, note that the “bump” is fading *in spite of* some seriously godawful “reporting” and commentary by the corporate media – Fox, obviously, since that’s just pro-Trump propaganda, but also all the reporters who marvel at Trump’s supposedly changed “tone” when the guy doesn’t piss himself at the podium, or when he manages to speak in semi-coherent English sentences or to say something that actually resembles a factual statement. Yes, that’s how low the bar is for Trump with many “journalists,” using that word very loosely.

Of course, having said that, there truly *are* some superb reporters out there, such as Yamiche Alcindor of the PBS NewsHour, and the folks at the WaPo who just published The U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged (“From the Oval Office to the CDC, political and institutional failures cascaded through the system and opportunities to mitigate the pandemic were lost.”). And Jennifer Rubin has been superb throughout the Trump presidency, with recent pieces such as Trump’s narcissism has never been more dangerous and Trump made us No. 1 — in the spread of a deadly disease.  More of that, please, and less of the mindless airing of Trump’s fallacy/lie-filled press conferences live, without simultaneous critical commentary, and the blithering idiocy about his supposedly changed “tone.”

With that, here are the main findings from today’s Navigator Research polling…




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