Home COVID-19 Audio: Jerry Falwell Muses What Would Have Happened If “80-Year-Old Egghead Doctor...

Audio: Jerry Falwell Muses What Would Have Happened If “80-Year-Old Egghead Doctor Like Anthony Fauci” Were Advising on “The Public Health of Our Soldiers” During WW2

Also: "Obama knows that [U.S. Attorney for Connecticut] John Durham is going to bring the hammer down"


BREAKING: Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr. continues to be…well, completely bonkers. Check this out, from this morning on right-wing talk radio (“The John Fredericks Show”).

Falwell: “My 26 year old son yesterday, he said, ‘dad, what if we had, in World War Two had chosen an 80-year-old egghead doctor like Anthony Fauci to advise us on whether defeating Nazi Germany would be good for the public health of our soldiers. I mean that’s how ridiculous…I really think the Mueller thing, impeachment, they were all Hail Mary passes because the liberal…Obama knows…I think I saw an email from you this morning to you to your list…I think Obama knows that [U.S. Attorney for Connecticut] John Durham is going to bring the hammer down, and I think they’re trying their best to – and who knows if China did this intentionally, we’ll probably never know that or not – but I think at least they were negligent and it’s just, you just see in the reaction to Trump actually trying to change the status quo and people are going crazy; it’s fun to watch.”

Yep, that’s a whole bucket o’crazy right there. Sadly, not surprising though, given who this guy is.


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