Home 2020 Elections Virginia Primary Day 2020 Results: Live Blog

Virginia Primary Day 2020 Results: Live Blog [Winners: Rashid in VA01-Dem, Webb in VA05-Dem, Taylor in VA02-R, Gade in US Senate-R]


UPDATE 8:50 pm – Now 240/244 (98.36%) of precincts reporting in VA01, and Qasim Rashid leads Vangie Williams 52.53%-47.47%. Ben “Not Larry Sabato” Tribbett has called it, and I completely agree. Congrats to Qasim Rashid, and good luck against the godawful Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA01).

UPDATE 8:43 pm – With 227/244 (93%) of precincts reporting in VA01, Qasim Rashid leads Vangie Williams 51.80%-48.20%.

UPDATE 8:32 pm – With 92.2% of precincts reporting in VA01, Qasim Rashid leads Vangie Williams 51.88%-48.12%. The main outstanding counties are King William and New Kent – both very small populations – with no precincts reporting in either.

UPDATE 8:23 pm – With 88.1% of precincts reporting in VA01, Qasim Rashid leads Vangie Williams 52.1%-47.9%. Still too close to call, but looking at the precincts still outstanding, I think Rashid’s gonna hang on. We’ll see…

UPDATE 8:13 pm – With 88% of precincts reporting in the VA03 GOP primary, it looks like John Collick, Jr. is going to win, as he holds and 1,100-vote lead. Of course, Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA03) will win by a huge margin in this overwhelmingly “blue” district in November.

UPDATE 8:08 pm – With 81% of precincts reporting in VA01, it’s now Rashid 51.61%-Williams 48.39%. An 874-vote lead for Rashid, with 46 precincts left to report.

UPDATE 8:01 pm – With 76% of precincts now reporting in VA01, it’s Rashid 51.83%-Williams 48.17%.

UPDATE 7:56 pm – And with 67% of precincts reporting in VA01, it’s now Rashid 51.85%-Williams 48.15%.

UPDATE 7:51 pm – Wow, it’s getting *really* close in VA01; with 63% of precincts reporting, Qasim Rashid’s lead is now down to 51.9%-48.1% over Vangie Williams. Stay tuned!

UPDATE 7:41 pm – It’s getting a bit closer in VA01; with 51% of precincts reporting, it’s now Rashid 53.2%-Williams 46.8%. In VA05, Webb continues to romp, with 67% of the vote and 44% of precincts reporting. And in VA11, Rep. Gerry Connolly is winning easily; with 32% of precincts reporting, Connolly has 71.2% of the vote.

UPDATE 7:38 pm – Daniel Gade is winning the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in a rout, with 66% of the vote and nearly half of precincts reporting. Former Rep. Scott “Petitiongate” Taylor (R) is winning handily and heading for a rematch with Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA02). And in the VA03 GOP primary, it’s a tight race between John W. Collick, Jr. (38.9%) and J.H. Madison Downs (37.4%), with George Yacus trailing well behind (23.7%).

UPDATE 7:33 pm – With 54/243 precincts reporting in VA01, Qasim Rashid is holding a 55%-45% lead over Vangie Williams. In VA05, with 75/328 precincts reporting, Cameron Webb continues to hold a massive lead, with 67% of the vote; that one’s over, unless there’s something weird with the numbers or whatever. As for VA11, only 6/164 precincts reporting, and Rep. Gerry Connolly leads 71%-29% over Zainab Mohsini.

UPDATE 7:28 pm – As expected, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Daniel Gade is winning easily; with 21% of precincts reporting, he’s got 67.4% of the vote against his two opponents (Thomas Speciale and Alissa Baldwin). That one’s over; go Mark Warner! And in VA-02, former Rep. Scott Taylor (R) is easily winning his three-way primary against Ben Loyola and Jarome Bell; with 20% of precincts reporting, Taylor’s at 49%, while the other two roughly split the remainder.

UPDATE 7:24 pm – With 31/243 precincts reporting in VA01, Rashid has a solid 57%-43% lead. Looking good for him so far. In VA04, Rep. McEachin is winning easily; with 34/267 precincts reporting, it’s McEachin 78%-Levine 22%. And in VA05, with 45/328 precincts reporting, it looks like a blowout so far for Cameron Webb, who leads with an incredible 68.8% of the vote, with Claire Russo trailing far behind at 16.1%. In VA11, Rep. Gerry Connolly leads Zainab Mohsini 71.1%-28.9% with 2/164 precincts reporting.

UPDATE 7:19 pm – With 16/243 precincts reporting in VA01, it’s Qasim Rashid 54.51%-Vangie Williams 45.49%. With 13/267 precincts reporting in VA04, it’s Rep. Donald McEachin 72.1%-Cazel Levine 27.9%. With 24 of 328 precincts reporting in VA05, it’s Cameron Webb 73.3%-Claire Russo 13.0%-RD Huffstetler 8.1%-John Lesinski 5.6%.

It’s 7 pm, and polls are now closed in Virginia. In this live blog of the primary election returns, I’ll primarly be checking the State Board of Elections websiteVPAP, and the Fairfax County Board of Elections site. Feel free to use the comments section of this post to report what you’re hearing. For the races to focus on, see here: 1) U.S. Senate, GOP nomination: Daniel Gade, Thomas Speciale, Alissa Baldwin; 2) VA01, Democratic Nomination: Qasim Rashid vs. Vangie Williams; 3) VA02, GOP Nomination: Scott Taylor vs. Ben Loyola vs. Jarome Bell; 4) VA04, Democratic Nomination: Rep. Donald McEachin vs. R. Cazel Levine; 5) VA05, Democratic Nomination: RD Huffstetler, John Lesinski, Claire Russo, Cameron Webb; 6) VA11, Democratic Nomination: Rep. Gerry Connolly vs. Zainab Mohsini.


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