Home 2021 Elections Fairfax NAACP President Sean Perryman Announces “Exploratory Committee” for 2021 Lt. Governor...

Fairfax NAACP President Sean Perryman Announces “Exploratory Committee” for 2021 Lt. Governor Democratic Nomination


See below for a press release this morning as another Democrat – Fairfax NAACP President Sean Perryman – has thrown his hat in the ring for the 2021 Lt. Governor nomination, having formed an “exploratory committee” for a possible run. Perryman joins other declared and likely Democratic Lt. Governor candidates Del. Hala Ayala, Del. Elizabeth Guzman, Norfolk City Councilwoman Andria McClellan, Paul Goldman and Mike Pudhorodsky. So stay tuned…this field is getting crowded already, and from what I hear, it’s likely to get a LOT more crowded by the time 2021 rolls around!


Fairfax, VA

July 27, 2020

Sean Perryman, President of Virginia’s largest NAACP chapter and a longtime policy advocate for social justice and equity, today announced the formation of an “exploratory committee” to officially consider a bid for Lt. Governor of Virginia in 2021.

“Our nation and Commonwealth are in a period of crisis and our leaders are failing us,” said Perryman. “People are discouraged, disillusioned, and, in many cases, suffering. We must do a better job of responding to these crises and find more creative and effective ways to help everyday people not only get by but achieve their full potential.”

An attorney, advocate, activist and substantive policy expert, Perryman, 34, has been a dedicated and strategic fighter for truth in government and for public policies centered in equity, transparency, and inclusion. Among his top priorities are equitable access to a good education for all Virginians, no matter where they live; economic empowerment to stimulate growth and eliminate racial and social disparities; and reforms to ensure the dignity and humanity of people who interact with our criminal justice system.

Perryman said: “In the coming weeks I will meet with people across the Commonwealth to explore their dreams and challenges, and in turn I will share how my goals for Virginia, my approach to public policy, and my credentials and background are well-suited for 21st Century Virginia.”

To learn more about Sean Perryman and how he will mobilize Virginia for the crucial next decade, visit www.perrymanforvirginia.com.


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