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Video: 314 Action Fund Launches Broadcast Media Buy to Highlight Bob Good’s Failure to Fight for Front Line Workers


From 314 Action Fund:

314 Action Fund Launches Broadcast Media Buy to Highlight Bob Good’s Failure to Fight for Front Line Workers

New Ad Will Also Focus on Good’s Refusal to Endorse Protections for Virginians with Pre-Existing Conditions

Philadelphia — Today, 314 Action Fund announced a broadcast media buy to highlight the failure of Bob Good, candidate for Virginia’s fifth congressional district, to fight for the health care workers on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic.

The six-figure buy, which begins on Tuesday, August 25th, will run in the Charlottesville and Roanoke media markets through September 8th. The ad, “Not,” will aim to inform voters in VA-05 on Bob Good’s doubt about the need for federal and state resources to support front line health care workers. The ad will also focus on Good’s refusal to endorse protections for Virginians with pre-existing conditions, a population especially vulnerable during the ongoing public health crisis.

As of the end of last week, the Virginia Department of Health has reported over 110,000 coronavirus cases and 2,400 deaths in the commonwealth.

“Instead of supporting Virginia’s front line health care workers, Bob Good is playing armchair quarterback with deciding where else government priorities should lie during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said John Sweeney, spokesperson for 314 Action Fund. “The people of VA-05, especially those with pre-existing conditions, deserve a representative who will spend less time tending to the greed of special interests and more on preserving the health and safety of constituents.”


314 Action Fund is powered by a grassroots community of over two million people working to elect scientists, doctors, and STEM professionals who will use science and facts to address our most pressing issues like climate change and health care. In 2018, we played a pivotal role in flipping the U.S. House of Representatives and elected nine Democratic scientists to the House and Senate, as well as over 100 to key legislative districts. In 2020, 314 Action Fund will continue working to elect science leaders and defeat climate deniers in Congress and legislatures across the country.


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