Home 2020 Elections Photos: Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA01) Irresponsibly Attends Packed Indoor Buffet During COVID-19...

Photos: Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA01) Irresponsibly Attends Packed Indoor Buffet During COVID-19 Pandemic

"What Rob Wittman is doing is selfish, extremely disrespectful, and frankly dangerous.”


From the Qasim Rashid for Congress (VA01) campaign:

Wittman attends packed indoor buffet during the pandemic

“I can’t tell you how many calls I’ve had, meetings, conversations with folks devastated by this virus because they missed a wedding or had to attend a virtual funeral,” says Qasim Rashid

STAFFORD, VA – Last week, the Hanover GOP held its annual Reagan Day Dinner. The invitation did not indicate that masks were required or that social distancing measures would be put in place. Photos from the event show that this was an indoor buffet-style meal where many, including Rob Wittman, were photographed at the event in close proximity and maskless. Photos below show masks on the tables of this event. 

“I can’t tell you how many calls I’ve had, meetings, conversations with folks devastated by this virus because they missed a wedding or had to attend a virtual funeral,” says Qasim Rashid, Democratic Nominee for Congress in Virginia’s First District. “All the while, Rob is hanging out at a large, buffet-style, indoor gathering. Virginians have had to make drastic changes to their lives and livelihoods to adapt to this pandemic and stay safe. What Rob Wittman is doing is selfish, extremely disrespectful, and frankly dangerous.” 

“As Qasim points out, Wittman is acting recklessly with little regard for the health and safety of fellow Virginians,” says Spokeswoman Grace Hagerty. “This is a pattern of Wittman thinking the rules don’t apply to him. When the pandemic started, Rob engaged in some shady deals on Wall Street. He bought stock in a potential COVID-19 treatment before the rest of the country knew it was a problem. Once again, a pathetic excuse for leadership.” 

Just the day prior, Rep. Wittman’s office released a statement discussing his in-person events across the First District, “at all times following the latest CDC and VDH guidance and regulations.”

Rep. Wittman’s choice to purchase stock in COVID-19 treatment was reported on in Politico here: House members, Senate aides traded stocks in early days of coronavirus.

Qasim Rashid is a human rights lawyer who has dedicated his life to supporting women who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and to serving children from vulnerable communities. Qasim is running to transform his advocacy into results for the working families of Virginia’s 1st District. He believes in service, leadership, and compassion through action. To learn more, please visit RashidForVA.com.


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