This morning on WRVA, former two-term Virginia Lt. Governor Bill Bolling, a conservative Republican by almost any standard, had some choice words to say about 2021 Virginia gubernatorial candidates Amanda Chase (R). Check out the audio, below…including:
- The host, John Reid – who is very VERY conservative and has Chase on his show frequently – commented to Bolling that Chase “has a very loyal following,” but that “a lot of people who privately say to me, ‘this lady’s crazy’!“
- Bolling responded that Chase certainly has “a very loyal following,” although he wondered “how deep and wide” that following is. Bolling added that Chase is a “lightning rod.”
- Bolling then elaborated on just a few of Chase’s problems, including: “she has had issues with the Capitol police”; “she’s had issues with the Senate clerks…with her colleagues”; “she’s basically been expelled from the Senate Republican caucus.”
- Could any of this actually *help* Chase, showing that she’s not “establishment” or whatever? Bolling: maybe it could help Chase in the GOP nominating process, “where you’re trying to appeal to party activists,” BUT “her chances of winning, IMHO, a statewide campaign in Virginia these days are zero, zilch, nada, none, not gonna happen; so Republicans have to decide do you want to nominate a flamethrower candidate like that and give away a legitimate chance of winning the governor’s office?”
- Of course, as Bolling notes, there are many Republicans these days who would “rather engage in the great ideological debates of the day than they would win campaigns.” LOL