Home COVID-19 Video: 2013 VA GOP Lt. Gov. Nominee E.W. Jackson Declared Back in...

Video: 2013 VA GOP Lt. Gov. Nominee E.W. Jackson Declared Back in March That He Would NOT Get COVID-19 Because ” I’ve talked to God about it”; Fast Forward Eight Months, and…


Just in case you missed it…here’s the latest on 2013 Virginia Republican Lt. Governor nominee E.W. Jackson. As Right Wing Watch explains, back in March Jackson “declared that he’d never get COVID-19 because he was protected by God” (and that his “vaccine is Psalm 91”). Fast forward to a few days ago and…yep, “Jackson announced that he had contracted COVID-19.” Shocker, eh?

P.S. By the way, here’s a photo of Jackson hugging VA05 Republican Bob Good (now elected to Congress, sad to say) a few weeks ago; and check this out from back in March, when Jackson was vowing to defy Gov. Northam’s stay-at-home order. Finally, consider the fact that this guy got 44.5% of the vote in 2013 for Lt. Governor, demonstrating something we now know all too well – that most Republicans will literally vote for *anyone* with an “R” by their name.


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