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Video: Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11) on Trump Endangering American National Security by “Playing Games” and Not Cooperating with the Transition


On CBS earlier today, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11) nailed it:

“The election is over. We have a clear winner… We need to stop playing games and get on with the serious business of protecting the American people during a pandemic and making sure our national security interests are addressed.”

Also, check out. Rep. Connolly’s tweets, below the video, in which he correctly points out: 1) ” We do not have a crisis of widespread voter fraud in this country. We have a crisis of widespread voter suppression.”; and 2) Trump’s “a direct threat to the wellbeing of his own people, who are impatiently counting down the days to his removal from office.”


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