Home COVID-19 Weekly UVA COVID-19 Model Finds 21 of 35 Virginia Health Districts In...

Weekly UVA COVID-19 Model Finds 21 of 35 Virginia Health Districts In “Surge Trajectories”


The key takeaways from this week’s UVA COVID-19 model update are not great at all:

  • “Cases are surging in Virginia. 30 of Virginia’s 35 health districts are in growth trajectories, including 21 in surge trajectories. Many populous urban and suburban areas are experiencing surges.”
  • Statewide, the reproduction rate has been above 1.0 since late September. It remains above 1.0 in most regions as well”
  • “Thanksgiving holidays likely caused a short-term lag in testing and case reporting, which may be masking some infections.”

Ugh. And yes, it would be VERY helpful if *everyone* – yes, including Trumpsters – would wear masks, practice social distancing, etc.


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