Home Energy and Environment Audio: Just a Reminder That George Allen Is Wrong About Basically *EVERYTHING*

Audio: Just a Reminder That George Allen Is Wrong About Basically *EVERYTHING*


Listening to former Senator George Allen mostly reminds me of how glad I am to have participated in the movement and campaign in 2006 to beat knock him out of his U.S. Senate seat and also out of his contemplated run for President. Check out the following audio, from Allen’s interview on WRVA yesterday morning, and just be thankful that this guy will almost certainly never be elected to anything again. I mean, seriously, the guy’s not just wrong about everything, he’s WILDLY wrong, both on the facts and also on the policy prescriptions. Check it out, as Allen *FALSELY* claims that:

  • The rejoining the Paris Climate Accords was a mistake, and that we should care more about what people in Pittsburgh than Paris think. The blithering idiocy is strong here, in so many ways, starting with the fact that it’s only named the Paris Climate Accords because that happens to be where the meeting was held, nothing to do with what people in Paris think. Also check out Pittsburgh fires back at Trump: we stand with Paris, not you, which notes that Hillary Clinton received 80% of the vote in Pittsburgh, and that the mayor said, “Pittsburgh stands with the world and will follow Paris agreement.” Other than that, f’ing brilliant comments by George Allen….lol.
  • Allen has been spewing out lies for years – and getting paid to do so by the fossil fuel industry – so it’s not surprising to hear him continue to lie, including about the cost of clean energy (cheap and falling!) vs. dirty/climate-killing energy (relatively expensive, in many ways). Yet Allen goes on about how clean energy supposedly is more expensive than fossil fuels, which is flat-out untrue, according to that notorious left-wing outfit (not!), Lazard, whose most recent “levelized cost of energy” report found “that as the cost of renewable energy continues to decline, certain technologies (e.g., onshore wind and utility-scale solar), which became cost-competitive with conventional generation several years ago on a new-build basis, continue to maintain competitiveness with the marginal cost of selected existing conventional generation technologies.” In short, Allen is completely full of crap.
  • Allen also claims, falsely, that so-called “Right-to-Work” laws mean “individual liberty,” and that if we got rid of “Right-to-Work” in Virginia, “we won’t even be on the field to compete to lose.” Which is just utter nonsense. In fact, as this NPR story reports, there appears to be “little or no gain in employment or growth in states with right-to-work laws.” And yet Allen claims that if we got rid of these anti-union, anti-worker laws, we’d be *ruined*. Alrighty…

On and on Allen goes…so much blithering idiocy, so wrong on so many things. And just remember, this ignorant liar has endorsed Kirk Cox for governor and Jason Miyares for Attorney General of Virginia. ‘Nuff said…


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