Home 2021 Elections Former Arlington Dems Chair Kip Malinosky Has Made 2,801 Calls Into Georgia,...

Former Arlington Dems Chair Kip Malinosky Has Made 2,801 Calls Into Georgia, Ranking Him #1 on the “Election Day Volunteer Leaderboard”; Want to Join Him?


And the top caller into Georgia for the “blue team” in the 1/5/21 U.S. Senate runoff elections is…yep, Virginia’s own Kip Malinosky (former Arlington County Democratic Committee Chair), with a whopping 2,801 calls and still dialing! 🙂 Amazing work and dedication as always by Kip – who loves calling people to remind them to vote Democratic more than just about anything, and is great at it! Oh, and if you want to join Kip in helping to demote “Moscow Mitch” to Senate *Minority* Leader, and to elect two great Democrats – Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff – you can click here for the Georgia Dems phonebank. The country you save could very well be your own!


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