Home 2021 Elections Special Election in Virginia’s Deep-Red SD38 Today; The Choice Couldn’t Be Any...

Special Election in Virginia’s Deep-Red SD38 Today; The Choice Couldn’t Be Any Clearer

Democrat Laurie Buchwald is the FAR better choice


Following the death of State Senator Ben Chafin (R) back on January 1, there’s a special election today in SD38, between right-wing Republican Travis Hackworth and Democrat Laurie Buchwald. See below for a graphic by VPAP with information on the (deep-red/Trump-supporting) district. Also, see here for a nasty video by Hackworth’s campaign, which highlights why Laurie Buchwald is the far, FAR superior choice in this election. The bottom line: if Buchwald were to pull an enormous upset/miracle and win this special election, she’d do a great job representing the district, while if Hackworth wins (as he’s overwhelmingly favored to do), he will be focused on highly divisive social issues and on keeping his Trump-loving base happy, while doing *nothing* to actually help people in SD38. In other words, the choice today couldn’t be any clearer…


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