Home 2021 Elections Audio: VA GOP House of Delegates Candidate Rants That Transgender Reassignment Surgery...

Audio: VA GOP House of Delegates Candidate Rants That Transgender Reassignment Surgery Is “gross and disgusting — and that makes you unfit for duty”

A perfect example of the Republicans' "Cruel New Culture War"


There’s an article in today’s NY Times entitled, “Republicans Have Found Their Cruel New Culture War (Arkansas lawmakers’ move against trans people reflects a larger strategy). We’ve certainly seen that “cruel new culture war” here in Virginia. For instance, check this out, in which one of the leading VA GOP gubernatorial candidates, Pete Snyder, rants about “transgender bathrooms in our schools” and his daughter potentially “crying because she got cut from the team or isn’t even starting, because someone who two weeks ago used to be a dude.” Also, check out the following audio, of HD51 Republican candidate Tim Cox speaking at an event yesterday in Manassas, headlined by PW County Supervisor Jeanine Lawson (right-wing Republican), and ranting about gender reassignment surgery…

“We have our vice president saying that veterans are not special citizens. They are. In some of these places, they do not have the funds to do the exercises that some of these veterans needed to regain movement of their limbs. And, yet, we’re doing transgender re-assignment surgery. That is gross and disgusting — and that makes you unfit for duty.”

Note the applause from the audience, by the way, in response to these ignorant, bigoted and inflammatory remarks. That really highlights where the Republican Party’s collective soul is at these days…and it’s not a good place!

P.S. Fortunately, this is a strongly “blue” district and Democrats have a great nominee – Briana Sewell – who is basically the polar opposite of Tim Cox and who everyone should support!


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