Home Labor Video: AFL-CIO Launches Virginia Ad Campaign Boosting the PRO Act

Video: AFL-CIO Launches Virginia Ad Campaign Boosting the PRO Act


From the AFL-CIO:

AFL-CIO Launches Virginia Ad Campaign Boosting the PRO Act

(Washington, D.C., April 28, 2021)—The AFL-CIO launched a major ad campaign in Virginia this week, airing statewide television and radio ads promoting the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. The advertising campaign is aligned with a national week of action, from April 26 to May 1, mobilizing working people to demand Senate passage of the landmark worker rights bill.

“We’re taking nothing for granted,” said AFL-CIO spokesperson Kalina Newman. “The PRO Act is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to give working people a stronger voice on the job. We’re making sure the Senate hears us loud and clear by reminding Virginians of what they already know: It shouldn’t be this hard just to get by.”

The radio ad features a personal testimonial from United Steelworkers (USW) member Sederick Wilson. The TV ad can be viewed below.

WATCH: “Safeway”


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