Home 2021 Elections Video: “Tri-Caucus” Forum For the Democratic Lt. Governor Candidates

Video: “Tri-Caucus” Forum For the Democratic Lt. Governor Candidates


See below for last night’s “Tri-Caucus” forum for the six Democratic Lieutenant Governor candidates (Del. Hala Ayala, Norfolk City Councilwoman Andria McClellan, Del. Mark Levine, Del. Sam Rasoul, Sean Perryman, Xavier Warren). As explained on the Democratic Latino Organization of Virginia’s Facebook page:

Communities of color make up 40% of the Commonwealth of Virginia, but our communities have not had the opportunity to have their questions and voices heard by the Democratic candidates for statewide office. With this in mind, the Democratic Latino Organization of Virginia (DLOV), Democratic Asian Americans of Virginia (DAAV), and the Democratic Black Caucus of Virginia (DBCV), collectively known as the Tri-Caucus, invite you to our joint forum for the candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor.

By the way, any one of these Democrats would be a far, far better Lt. Governor than any of the Republican candidates, so that’s worth keeping in mind.  As for the forum, questions ranged from how the candidates view the role of Lt. Governor and why the candidates believe they’d be the best fit for the role; how would the candidates help shepherd progressive bills through the State Senate; uneven wealth distribution in Virginia and the “growing generational divide” when it comes to housing, etc.; COVID-19 highlighting inequities across Virginia and how that can be addressed; how would they combat the climate crisis and reduce the use of plastics; and minority-owned businesses having difficulty accessing state contracts.

With that, here’s video from the forum!


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