Home Education Video: Chaos Erupts, Loudoun County School Board Meeting Suspended After Former State...

Video: Chaos Erupts, Loudoun County School Board Meeting Suspended After Former State Sen. Dick Black (Far-Right R) Rants Against “Critical Race Theory,” Teachers Who “call boys girls, and girls boys”

VA Dems call out Glenn Youngkin for "egging them on"


Earlier this evening, as the Loudoun Times-Mirror reports, “The Loudoun County School Board voted unanimously to prematurely end the public comment portion of its Tuesday meeting after a capacity crowd descended into shouting and after numerous requests that attendees remain silent were not heeded.” This, after former State Senator Dick Black (R) – who is virulently anti-LGBT among his other far-right stances (for more on Black, see Photos: Far-Right Republican Virginia State Sen. Dick Black Travels to Syria to Praise War Criminal Assad, Blame U.S. for Destroying Middle East, etc., Del. John Bell Announces Candidacy to Take On Extremely Anti-LGBT, Anti-Choice, Pro-Assad State Sen. Dick Black (R-SD13), Video: Far-Right Virginia Republican Rants About Long-Acting Contraceptives “Rendering” Women Infertile, Targeting “the Wrong KIND of Children”, What Is It With Loudoun Republicans?!? Dick Black on Spousal Rape, “Nighties,” etc., Republican Loudoun-sanity Continues: Dick Black Rails Against Gays in the Military, etc. – did this:

It’s absurd and immoral for teachers to call boys girls, and girls boys,” Black said. He also accused LCPS of “teaching children to hate others because of their skin color” by adopting critical race theory in its curriculum, an allegation LCPS has repeatedly denied.

Some attendees responded with boos, jeers and obscene gestures after the board’s nine members voted in favor of [School Board Vice Chairwoman Atoosa] Reaser’s motion to end public comment.

The rapturous response to Black’s comments was not the first to warrant a reprimand from the School Board on Tuesday. About 10 minutes of public comment had transpired when the crowd attempted to drown out commenter Kellie Herring, leading School Board Chairwoman Brenda Sheridan (Sterling District) to trigger a roughly 10-minute recess.

Herring, who said her transgender son attends LCPS, said, “hate … seems to be dripping off the followers of Jesus in [the] room.” Angry cries arose from attendees, as well as calls to eject Herring from the meeting.

Lovely, eh? See below for video of this nastiness, ignorance and bigotry; some background from State Sen. Jennifer Boysko (D-Fairfax/Loudoun); a statement by the Loudoun County School Board; predictable spin from far-right State Senator Amanda Chase (R-Chesterfield); reaction by the Democratic Party of Virginia to Republican gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin “egging…on” the protesters; and also some reaction and signs of support for an inclusive Loudoun County (which, by the way, has been moving strongly in a diverse and “blue” political direction in recent years…much to the chagrin of people like this evening’s anti-CRT, anti-transgender-inclusion-policy protesters). [UPDATED: Added video of the entire meeting]


And here’s far-right State Senator Amanda Chase (R-Chesterfield)’s predictable take:


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