Home 2021 Elections Fox “News” Poll of Virginia Has Terry McAuliffe Up 4 Points (48%-44%)...

Fox “News” Poll of Virginia Has Terry McAuliffe Up 4 Points (48%-44%) Over Glenn Youngkin; Enthusiasm Seems About Equal Among Supporters of Each Candidate

Voters overwhelmingly favor schools requiring teachers and students to wear masks and teachers to be vaccinated.


We’ve got as new Virginia poll, from Fox “News” (I know, I know, but their polling usually is pretty solid, even if the rest of that network is horrendously bad, evil, racist, etc.).  See below for highlights:

  • Terry McAuliffe’s up 4 points (48%-44%) over Glenn Youngkin, with 9% “other” or “undecided.”
  • President Biden’s at 49% favorable/49% unfavorable; McAuliffe’s at 48%/41% and Youngkin’s at 44%/42%. Trump’s at 41%/57%.
  • By a 71%-25% margin, voters support “Schools requiring teachers and students
    to wear masks.” Also, by a 66%-31% margin, voters support “Schools requiring teachers to be vaccinated.”
  • By a 39%-27% margin, voters oppose teaching “Critical Race Theory” in schools (not that it is NOT taught in Virginia public schools), with 32% saying they haven’t heard enough to say one way or the other.
  • The top issues for voters, in descending order, are: The economy and jobs 32%; The coronavirus pandemic 20%; Health care 12%; Taxes 9%; Abortion 7%; Crime 7%; Education 7%.
  • In terms of enthusiasm, 79% of Youngkin supporters and 76% of McAuliffe supporters say they are “extremely” or “very” interested in the Virginia governor’s race



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