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Video: Glenn Youngkin Casts Doubt on COVID-19 Vaccine, Irresponsibly Again Spreads Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric

"Youngkin's comments also echo those of other right-wing politicians and pundits, including his top endorser Donald Trump, who have amplified vaccine skepticism"


From DPVA; Glenn Youngkin continues to be completely irresponsible and not at all like someone who should be leading Virginia:


Glenn Youngkin Casts Doubt on COVID-19 Vaccine, Again Spreads Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric

Youngkin Refuses to Say Whether He Supports Vaccine Mandates for School Children for Illnesses Like Measles

Richmond, VA — Glenn Youngkin continues to use anti-vaccine rhetoric regarding efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. In brand new comments to reporters today, Glenn took his dangerous positions against vaccine mandates even further: he refused to say whether he supports existing vaccine mandates for children for diseases like the measles, and he cast doubt on the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, despite the fact that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has received full FDA approval:

Question: Would you get rid of school children vaccine mandates for others like the measles vaccine? We mandate vaccines for lots of things.

Glenn Youngkin: There’s lots of difference in those vaccines, I think we have to recognize we’re stepping back. This is a vaccine that people don’t fully understand yet, we haven’t done a good job educating people on it.

In New Jersey, right wing Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli has said if elected he will create new exemptions for vaccine requirements for school students against illnesses including measles.

Youngkin’s comments also echo those of other right-wing politicians and pundits, including his top endorser Donald Trump, who have amplified vaccine skepticism:

Donald Trump“People are refusing to take the Vaccine because they don’t trust his Administration, they don’t trust the Election results, and they certainly don’t trust the Fake News, which is refusing to tell the Truth.”

Tucker Carlson“It turns out there are things we don’t know about the effects of this vaccine — and all vaccines, by the way. It’s always a trade-off.”

Just last week, The Washington Post’s editorial board slammed Glenn for his dangerous cowardice on vaccines, writing that:

“Both candidates are fully vaccinated. They surely know that the vaccines are safe, effective and critical to the state’s, and the nation’s, economic recovery. Mr. McAuliffe has said that, clearly. That’s leadership. Mr. Youngkin’s rhetoric is the opposite.”

Youngkin vehemently opposes COVID safety measures that the majority of Virginians support, and he has pandered to his far-right base by encouraging Virginians to fill out “exception” forms for non-medical, non-religious exceptions to vaccine mandates. Meanwhile, Terry McAuliffe is showing real leadership by calling on every Virginia employer to require all eligible employees to be vaccinated following the FDA’s full approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.


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