Home COVID-19 Virginia COVID-19 Cases Up 93,923 Over the Past 10 Days; Hospitalizations Falling…Omicron...

Virginia COVID-19 Cases Up 93,923 Over the Past 10 Days; Hospitalizations Falling…Omicron Wave Appears to Be Receding


See below for the latest COVID-19 statistics for Virginia, courtesy of the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association (VHHA). As you can see, total cases hit 1,545,636, up 20,045 since the Friday morning report and up 93,923 over the past 10 days (that’s significantly lower than last Monday’s 10-day increase of 129,877); has the Omicron wave finally started to decline? As for hospitalizations, according to VDH, we’re now at a cumulative 47,708, up 162 from the Friday morning statistics (also, VHHA now has hospitalizations at 2,896…and falling). And deaths are at 16,217, up 90 from the Friday morning statistics.


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