by former Virginia Secretary of Education Atif Qarni
“Divisive concepts” bill to attack Equity pushed by Governor of Virginia did not pass. Yet still, he rescinded Equity efforts in education. This is harmful for many children.
– Equity efforts address how to better serve black students. Years of data show that black children across Virginia received exponentially more discipline referrals for same behavior issues compared to other children. Youngkin is rescinding this.
– Equity efforts address how to serve the growing immigrant population: Asian Pacific Islander Desi Americans (APIDA), MENA (Middle Eastern North African), LatinX/Hispanic, etc. Youngkin is catering to people using the racist “model minority” myth to drive a wedge between groups.
– Students of various ethnic and religious background want to see holidays reflected in school calendar like Lunar year, Diwali, Eid, Yom Kippur, etc. Students want more diverse options for school meals. Students want to learn a more inclusive history. Youngkin is rescinding this.
– Equity efforts address how to better serve students who have faced adverse childhood experiences or trauma. Youngkin is rescinding this.
– Equity efforts address how to better serve students with Special Needs. Youngkin is rescinding this.
– Equity efforts address how to better serve LGBTQ+ students. Suicide ideation rates are exponentially higher for LGBTQ+ students compared to their peers. Youngkin wants to rescind this.
– Equity efforts address how to provide access to quality education to ALL children. Youngkin wants to rescind this.
Youngkin rescinding Equity efforts will negatively impact vast majority of students across the state.