Home African Americans Sen. Louise Lucas to Gov. Glenn Youngkin: “You want to do Black...

Sen. Louise Lucas to Gov. Glenn Youngkin: “You want to do Black History Month after you set up a hotline to report any teachers who taught Black History? Hell no.”

Also, comments by former Delegates Jay Jones and Lashrecse Aird


Sen. Louise Lucas, former Del. Jay Jones and former del. Lashrecse Aird nail it regarding Gov. Glenn “Do NOT Teach Anything About America’s Racial History” Youngkin’s Black History Month proclamation. As Sen. Lucas puts it:

“You want to do Black History Month after you set up a hotline to report any teachers who taught Black History? Hell no.”

And as Del. Jones writes:

“#BlackHistoryMonth will be tough for @GlennYoungkin, his tip line, and his friends trying to erase Black History from our schools and culture. Black Virginia is rich with compelling and challenging stories that must be told. I pray they don’t get buried or bastardized.”

Last but not lease, as Del. Lashrecese Aird tweets:

“What we’re not going to do is pretend like you care about #BHMwhile you actively lead an agenda that is dismantling progress that has been made for Black people throughout our Commonwealth. The hypocrisy.”


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