Home 2022 Elections “Kiss of Death:” Kiggans Backed by Two-Time Loser Scott Taylor in VA-02

“Kiss of Death:” Kiggans Backed by Two-Time Loser Scott Taylor in VA-02

“Cozying up to a scandal-plagued politician and prospective employee of Kremlin-allied Belarus isn’t exactly the ringing endorsement Kiggans needs”


From the DCCC:

“Kiss of Death:” Kiggans Backed by Two-Time Loser Scott Taylor in VA-02
America First candidate Jarome Bell calls Taylor’s endorsement the “kiss of death” for Kiggans’ campaign

It’s certainly not the horse we’d hitch our wagon to. Yesterday, Jen Kiggans embraced the endorsement of two-time loser and former congressman Scott Taylor, who announced he was passing on a third losing campaign in VA-02.

Kiggans may regret embracing Scott Taylor’s (lukewarm) support. Scandal-dogged Taylor continues to earn headlines for seeking work in Russia-allied Belarus after facing an investigation about his campaign falsifying election petitions.

Kiggans accepting Taylor’s endorsement is the latest proof that she’s running scared in her primary against America First candidate Jarome Bell, who has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and is making a play for the conservative base voters Kiggans needs to win. But “due to Taylor’s poor reputation in the 2nd District, Bell says, the endorsement could even be a ‘kiss of death’ for Kiggans’ campaign.”

“Cozying up to a scandal-plagued politician and prospective employee of Kremlin-allied Belarus isn’t exactly the ringing endorsement Kiggans needs,” said DCCC spokesperson Monica Robinson.


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