Home 2022 Elections VA-07 Republicans Yesli Vega, Bryce Reeves, and Derrick Anderson Refuse to Answer...

VA-07 Republicans Yesli Vega, Bryce Reeves, and Derrick Anderson Refuse to Answer Question From Media, But All Have Boasted Repeatedly About How TOTALLY Pro-Gun They Are


The following press release is from the DCCC. For the record, here are the candidates positions on guns (and note, if you take literally a few minutes to use that amazing new invention known as “Google,” you can find information like this, but much of the media can’t handle that apparently – lol):

  • Yesli Vega: “Our right to keep and bear arms must never be infringed. There’s a reason why the Founders put this second. A free people must have the right to defend themselves. As Prince William County Supervisor, I fought against gun control resolutions that encouraged the Virginia General Assembly to take away this right from law abiding Virginians. The evidence is clear: when you restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, crime goes up.  Criminals, by definition, do not follow laws. Support for this constitutional right is something I will never waiver on.”
  • Derrick Anderson: “Our 2nd Amendment right are sacred and not to be infringed upon. As a former Green Beret, I’ll be a strong advocate for gun owners in the halls of Congress. You can count on it!”
  • Bryce Reeves: “I am a staunch advocate of our Second Amendment and will always defend our constitutional rights.And “Honored to receive the Defender of Freedom Award from the @NRA! I will always fight to defend our gun rights. #2A
 VA-07 Republicans Dodge Questions on Gun Violence
Yesli Vega, Bryce Reeves, and Derrick Anderson shamefully refuse to answer press questions about preventing gun violence

In the wake of yet another mass shooting in America, Republican candidates in VA-07 are refusing to answer questions about where they stand on common-sense gun violence prevention.

According to new reporting from InsideNoVA, “Prince William County Supervisor Yesli Vega and state Sen. Bryce Reeves did not return requests for comment on any measures they would take to curb gun violence” and “Derrick Anderson […] did not offer any specific legislation to prevent future shootings.”

After the devastating elementary school shooting in Uvalde just last week, and as the country learns about the continued mass shootings that have followed, the Republican field’s silence on how they would prevent this from happening is cowardly and shameful.

Vega, Reeves, and Anderson must make clear to Virginians: Do they support protecting our children and communities from gun violence, or do they stand with the gun lobby?

“As Americans process the devastation of yet another mass shooting in this country, it is unconscionable that Republican candidates for Congress would refuse to say where they stand on common-sense gun violence prevention measures,” said DCCC spokesperson Monica Robinson. “Yesli Vega, Bryce Reeves, and Derrick Anderson must stop shamefully dodging questions and come clean with Virginia families.”


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