Home Education Gov. Northam’s Secretary of Education Atif Qarni: Youngkin engaging in “bizarre” behavior,...

Gov. Northam’s Secretary of Education Atif Qarni: Youngkin engaging in “bizarre” behavior, “abusing his authority,” behaving in an “unheard of” manner, “intimidating” board members, “taking the state backwards with his attacks on public education”

In stark contrast, Qarni says, "Under Gov. Northam, Virginia education reached its peak"


Gov. Northam’s Secretary of Education @AtifQarni really nails it, says Youngkin is engaging in “bizarre” behavior, “abusing his authority,” acting in an “unheard of” manner, “intimidating” board members, “taking the state backwards with his attacks on public education.” See this Inside HigherEd article for more on Youngkin “seeking to influence the search for a new chancellor of the state’s community college system.” For more background, see Audio: Former VA Sec. Education Atif Qarni Says Youngkin’s Assault on the Community College System “Borderline Illegal”; Interference with Selection of New Chancellor “Really Worries Me” and Audio: Former VA Secretary of Education Atif Qarni “Pleasantly Surprised” at Two of Youngkin’s Board of Education Appointments, But Also Says Youngkin’s a “Racist” and “Bigot,” “so why are we surprised he’s going to appoint racists and bigots?”; plus Video: Virginia House, Senate Democrats Condemn Governor Youngkin’s “Totalitarian” Attacks on the Virginia Community College System Board; etc.


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