Home International Video: Former VA Gov. Terry McAuliffe Discusses His Trip to Ukraine, the...

Video: Former VA Gov. Terry McAuliffe Discusses His Trip to Ukraine, the Urgent Need to Defeat Russia’s Invasion

"It just...made me so proud of our country that we are here and they are appreciative that America is standing side by side with them."


Good stuff by former VA Governor Terry McAuliffe, who says he “Spent the last week here in Ukraine,” and that he heard “Unbelievable, harrowing stories of Ukrainian perseverance and bravery.” According to McAuliffe – and he’s 100% right on this – “Russian military aggression, child kidnapping and repeated atrocities must continue to be met by an overwhelming international response.” McAuliffe added:

“I met with three different battalion commanders, I was right on the front line. I saw our HIMARs…four of them being launched…driving to Dnipro, we came under an air attack. We delivered some medical supplies to one of the most forward bases…a stabilization center for soldiers who have been wounded. And while we were there, part of our convoy got attack in a mortar attack. So I’ve seen it all here in 7 days…Everybody I met, from the troops to the commanders, I gota tell you…how much they love the United States of America…They were so appreciative…but of course, they’re in a war, as everyone said to me, we need everything you’ve got, we need more. And you don’t blame them for that…These Ukrainiain fighters are going to fight to the absolute end…Here we have a young democracy, we need to embrace Ukraine…I personally happen to believe, the fate [of]…NATO…is this battle in Ukraine. Russia has come in here and they have committed so many atrocities…They need to be stopped…I can’t say it [too much]…It just…made me so proud of our country that we are here and they are appreciative that America is standing side by side with them. Every American watching this…I want you to know, Ukrainians love you.”


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