Home Campaign Finance Reform “Dark money epitomized,” as Youngkin Gets $1M “from an unknown LLC…the name...

“Dark money epitomized,” as Youngkin Gets $1M “from an unknown LLC…the name of the $1M donor…hidden from view”


Exactly right by DPVA Press Secretary Liam Watson; this is:

“Dark money epitomized: the day before Youngkin accepted $1M from an unknown LLC, an LLC of the same name was incorporated in Delaware (a hot spot for LLC registration bc no state income tax) with a registered agent, so the name of the $1M donor would be hidden from view.”

And as Sen. Scott Surovell says:

“We need to deal with dark money LLC’s – Gov’s PAC has reported a $1,000,000 donation from an LLC called ‘Future of Education LLC,” which is not incorporated in VA and doesn’t show in any records search I can do  – who owns it, who put the money in…”

Craziness, not to mention sliminess, by Glenn Youngkin.


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