Home 2024 Elections DCCC: Jen Kiggans’ Extreme, Dangerous Record, Exposed 

DCCC: Jen Kiggans’ Extreme, Dangerous Record, Exposed 

"Kiggans is the ultimate party loyalist who is embracing an extreme, dangerous agenda."


From the DCCC:

Jen Kiggans’ Extreme, Dangerous Record, Exposed 

Jen Kiggans – a highly vulnerable freshman in Congress – is under increasing scrutiny for her lies, deception, and dangerous record.

  • Kiggans voted to cut veterans’ benefits – then lied about it: “… Kiggans [voted] for H.R. 2811 … which narrowly passed the House on a party-line vote. The Department of Veterans Affairs claimed the measure would have cut funding for the VA by 22% — and which Kiggans and other GOP lawmakers argued wasn’t the case.”
  • Kiggans has refused to end Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s military promotion blockade, and compared abortion to a “Hollywood nose job”: “‘If I wanted to get a Hollywood nose job in California, I do not expect the Navy to pay for my travel expenses to get there,’ Kiggans told the station, an NBC affiliate in Hampton Roads.”
  • Kiggans refused to reject Donald Trump’s election conspiracy: “Kiggans shied away from explicitly repeating Trump’s false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, but she refused to publicly reject them.”

DCCC spokesperson Justin Chermol:
“Jen Kiggans is the ultimate party loyalist who is embracing an extreme, dangerous agenda. Kiggans has failed to deliver for Virginians – and instead, has voted to restrict reproductive freedoms for our servicemembers and cut veterans’ benefits.”


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