Home 2023 Elections Video: New Ad by HD30 Democratic Nominee Rob Banse (Accurately) Calls Out...

Video: New Ad by HD30 Democratic Nominee Rob Banse (Accurately) Calls Out His Opponent as “dangerous,” “far-right extremist who headlined ‘Stop the Steal’ rallies”


Excellent, hard-hitting, 100% factual ad by Democratic House of Delegates nominee Rob Banse (HD30 – Loudoun/Fauquier), whose Republican opponent, Geary Higgins, is as bad as they get – “a far-right extremist who headlined ‘Stop the Steal’ rallies and supports policies that would let anyone buy a gun, even criminals.” So if you live in HD30, make sure you vote for Rob Banse – and remind everyone you know to do the same. Early voting is underway NOW.

It’s time to show the voters of HD-30 exactly who my opponent is, and my new ad does just that. Watch it at this link!

You may know I’m running for the House of Delegates to bring the careful listening and community building I learned in my career as a pastor to Richmond. My opponent is not in it for the same reasons.

Someone who headlined Stop the Steal rallies alongside convicted insurrectionists, wants to ban all abortions, and supports policies that would allow even criminals and terrorists to buy guns has no place in our government.

The voters need to know who Geary Higgins is. Over the next five weeks, we can show them – but only if we can afford to keep this ad on TV.

Can you chip in $30 today to help me keep my message on the air?

Thank you for your support!


Rob Banse, Candidate for Virginia HD-30



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