Home 2024 Elections Friday News: “Our Economy Isn’t ‘Goldilocks.’ It’s Better.”; “30 Things Joe Biden...

Friday News: “Our Economy Isn’t ‘Goldilocks.’ It’s Better.”; “30 Things Joe Biden Did as President That You Might Have Missed”; “What Biden *really* says about Trump behind closed doors”; Kevin McCarthy Seeks Revenge Against Bob Good, etc.


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, February 2.


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Previous articleKey VA Senate Money Subcommittee Defeats Governor Youngkin’s Tax Giveaways for the Wealthy
Next articleThe Biden Economy Keeps Roaring, with 353,000 More Jobs Added in January. As Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11) Says, “I’ll take four more years of this economy please.””