Home 2024 Elections Richmond City Councilmember Andreas Addison Announces Candidacy for Mayor

Richmond City Councilmember Andreas Addison Announces Candidacy for Mayor

"My administration will prioritize initiatives that break the cycle of generational poverty, uplift and empower working families, and enable our youth to reach their full potential.” 


With Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney completing his second term and running for governor, the race to succeed him is starting to heat up. So far, candidates (per VPAP) include Michelle Mosby, Garrett Sawyer, Chris Hilbert, Maurice Neblett and Andreas Addison (see press release below). Also, presumably, others will throw their hats in the ring, so stay tuned…

Richmond City Councilmember Andreas Addison Announces Candidacy for Mayor

Richmond, Va. – Today, Richmond City Councilmember Andreas Addison announced his candidacy for mayor. Addison has served the 1st District on City Council since 2017 after an eight-year stint in City Hall, where he developed systems and programs to modernize Richmond’s approach to governance and growth.

“For over 15 years, I have served the City of Richmond both in City Hall and on Council, and over that time, I have seen firsthand the challenges that impede our ability to serve our residents effectively,” Addison said. “Good ideas that will help families and improve systems ultimately fail because of silos, fractured relationships, outdated systems, inadequate support for city staff, and a lack of political will to invest in long-term solutions. Shiny, new projects cannot be the cure-all for everything.”

“We have so much potential to solve these issues, especially in City Hall, but it’s going to take strong, focused leadership,” Addison added. “We need more than promises. We need a leader committed to doing the hard work, implementing progressive policies to move us forward, governing for the sustainable growth of Richmond, focusing on meeting the basic needs of residents, and preventing displacement. As Richmond’s next mayor, I will use my experience and vision to rise to these complex challenges.”

Before he was elected to City Council, Addison served in Richmond City Hall for eight years, working as a management analyst and civic innovator, where he spearheaded initiatives to improve City operations to better address service needs and enhance both efficiency and effectiveness.

Elected to council in 2016, Addison quickly developed a reputation for pursuing innovative solutions to the city’s problems, including efforts to invest $10 million into the affordable housing trust fund, preserving fare-free transit on GRTC and providing a 40% pay raise for bus drivers, removing outdated zoning to help small businesses, pioneering Safe Streets for All, and creating a resident-led participatory budgeting commission so Richmonders can play an active role in how the city’s capital budget is allocated.

He also lobbied the General Assembly to create the Commission on School Construction and Modernization to expand state-level funding support for aging school buildings, where over half of all schools in Virginia are at least 50 years old and in need of significant repair. That legislative effort resulted in bipartisan recommendations to add new funding mechanisms for local school divisions to leverage for maintenance, renovation, and construction projects.

Addison was born and raised in Virginia. He was raised by his single mother, who worked as a waitress. He grew up in the Shenandoah Valley with his mom and stepdad and his younger brother. At 12, Addison left school briefly to help care for his younger brother while also homeschooling himself to keep up with his education. He later began working at 14 to help support his family.

“I know what it’s like to be a child who has to grow up too fast, to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders,” Addison said. “I also know what it’s like for one of my main meals to be the free lunch at school. I believe all children and young people deserve the opportunity to learn and grow into healthy and successful adults, and that starts by providing them with a strong foundation for their future. My administration will prioritize initiatives that break the cycle of generational poverty, uplift and empower working families, and enable our youth to reach their full potential.”

Addison went on to graduate from Virginia Tech with a degree in political science and later earned his MBA from the University of Richmond. He is currently a small business owner of Pure Fitness RVA. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Virginia, educating students about human-centered design through social enterprise.

“As I tell my students, we must see people beyond the numbers on paper,” Addison noted. “I know this from personal experience. Honestly, the decisions the mayor should be making need to be transformational to improve access to employment, services, and other needs for low-income households. Yes, that even includes a full-service grocery store in the Southside. The disproportionate gaps we see in our communities across race, income, and zip code must be our driving factor to make change.”

“As mayor, I look forward to working with community leaders, City Council, City staff, business owners, advocates, and everyday Richmonders to ensure our city reaches its full potential and no one is left behind.”

In the coming weeks, Addison’s campaign will host a launch event and release policy priorities.


About Andreas Addison

Andreas Addison is a public servant, small business owner, and educator serving the Richmond community for more than 15 years. Addison represents the 1st District on Richmond City Council, where he has a proven track record of fighting for affordable housing, greater connectivity in the region, and investments for greater city services. He is the owner of Pure Fitness RVA in Scott’s Addition and an adjunct professor at UVA in the School of Public Policy. A strong advocate for thriving communities, Addison is committed to a socially equitable, environmentally sustainable, and prosperous Richmond for working families. Addison married his wife, Allison, in 2023, and the couple resides in the Museum District. Join the movement at andreasaddison.com.


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