Home Budget, Economy Video: With Veto Session Tomorrow, VA Speaker Don Scott Says, “Don’t let...

Video: With Veto Session Tomorrow, VA Speaker Don Scott Says, “Don’t let Pretending Glenn shut down the government”

"Youngkin used his power in a punitive way after key Democrats rejected the governor's coveted arena deal"


Leading up to tomorrow’s “veto session,” Speaker Don Scott nails “Pretending Glenn” Youngkin:

Speaker Scott: “We raised the minimum wage, we gave teachers a pay raise, we expanded access to healthcare and education”

TV News announcers: “Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoed a series of bills”; “Youngkin laid out the reasons why he wouldn’t
sign the bipartisan approved budget”; “The governor called to proposed budget backwards”; “Youngkin used his power in a
punitive way after key Democrats rejected the governor’s coveted arena deal”

Text on screen: “Don’t let Pretending Glenn shut down the government”


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