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Biden Campaign Statement on Trump’s “40%” Welfare Comments, Celebrating Political Violence and January 6, etc.

“Trump is once again making despicable and insulting comments about the Holocaust, while in the same breath attacking law enforcement, celebrating political violence, and threatening our democracy."


From President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign:

Biden Campaign Statement on Trump’s RNC Comments

Reports out of the closed-door Trump retreat were…a lot.

Here’s a quick recap:

  • Romney 2.0 With Trump’s “40%” Welfare Comments:  The view from Mar-a-lago is different from the view from Scranton: Trump lamented that Democrats win campaigns because they stand with working people, and protect Social Security, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act – or in Trump’s words “welfare.”
  • Celebrating Political Violence and January 6: Trump took time to honor January 6 rioters who attacked law enforcement and tried to overturn an election – and compared them to Taylor Swift?
  • Attacking Law Enforcement and Democracy: Trump continued to attack law enforcement, the legal system, and elections.
  • Legal Money Woes: A presenter admitted Trump’s legal woes were “bleeding money” in reference to the millions of dollars being siphoned away from Trump’s campaign to cover his legal bills.
  • Abortion “Vulnerability”: Trump and Republicans are struggling to message their way out of their abortion policy that endorses extreme abortion bans, monitoring women’s pregnancies, criminalizing abortion and miscarriage medication, and punishing women.
  • Nonsense Map Expansion: Oh, they leaked polling with no methodology showing they are going to expand the electoral map…sure. They have no campaign infrastructure and a candidate who doesn’t campaign. In recent weeks, Trump has continued to lose hundreds of thousands of votes to Nikki Haley – who dropped out nearly two months ago.

Trump also bragged about his golf game, made Republicans who want to be his Vice President (his last one doesn’t support him) kiss his ring, complained when he had to do anything but listen to himself talk, and asked “What does covid mean?”

Biden-Harris 2024 Spokesperson James Singer released the following statement:

“Donald Trump’s weekend bash behind closed doors underscores what we already knew:  Trump’s campaign is about him. His fury, his revenge, his lies, and his retribution.

“What Donald Trump dismisses as ‘welfare’ to his billionaire donors are benefits Americans have earned: Social Security, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act. He tried to slash Americans’ life-saving benefits as president and will clearly try again if given the chance.

“Trump is once again making despicable and insulting comments about the Holocaust, while in the same breath attacking law enforcement, celebrating political violence, and threatening our democracy.

“Joe Biden beat Donald Trump before and he’s going to beat him again because, like Joe Biden, Americans care more about our country’s future than one man’s desperation and weakness.”


Paid for by Biden for President


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