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Trump Sends Out the “Ultra-MAGA” Clown Car to the Spin Room; “Undeniably Trump-Driven” Project 2025 Agenda


From the DNC:

Hi all –

Donald Trump is leaving the spin to a wildly out-of-touch sideshow of election deniers, “ultra-MAGA” extremists, and far-right conspiracy theorists who are toxic to the battleground voters who will decide this election.

Here’s a look at Trump’s spinners tonight:

JD Vance:

Robert F. Kennedy:

  • Repeatedly promoted conspiracy theories about the September 11 attacks
  • Admitted he would sign a national abortion ban and has decades of accounts of serial adultery and reckless behavior around women
  • Said that there is no vaccine that is safe and effective, helping to cause one of the deadliest measles outbreaks in recent history

Lara Trump:

  • Notorious election denier and self-described “ultra-MAGA” extremist
  • Refuses to unequivocally commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election
  • Downplayed January 6, suggesting the problem was too much “focus” on the violent attack against our democracy

Michael Whatley:

  • Top election denier in North Carolina picked as RNC Chair for his election lies
  • Refused to condemn a state House GOP candidate with ties to a neo-Nazi organization
  • Anti-choice extremist who celebrated the overturning of Roe and called North Carolina Republicans’ extreme abortion ban “responsible” and “mainstream”

Byron Donalds:

  • Suggested that Black Americans were better off under Jim Crow and then tripled down on his absurd claims
  • Attacked our democracy and pushed baseless election-denying conspiracy theories while refusing to accept the results of the next election
  • Co-sponsored a national abortion ban that threatens IVF access and has praised cruel bans with no exceptions for rape or incest

Kristi Noem:

  • Anti-choice extremist who has defended her state’s near-total abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest, and has threatened to throw pharmacists in jail for providing or even procuring pills that aid in medication abortions
  • Still refuses to acknowledge Trump’s role in inciting a violent mob to attack the Capitol on January 6
  • Had a ruff time in the Trump Veepstakes after her bizarre lies and scandals came to light

Matt Gaetz:

  • Ultra-MAGA creep and extreme election denier hellbent on whitewashing the violence of January 6
  • Showed up at Trump’s trial to make explicit references to Trump’s infamous call to the Proud Boys before they violently attacked the Capitol on January 6
  • Trump’s MAGA minion in Congress who plunged the House GOP in disarray over petty political games

Tulsi Gabbard:

  • Dangerous extremist who has been praised by white supremacists and other far-right cranks while cozying up to Trump for years
  • Attacked efforts to investigate January 6 and repeatedly campaigned with notorious election deniers
  • Celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade and introduced national abortion ban legislation that would criminalize providers

Vivek Ramaswamy:

  • Out-of-touch extremist who has repeatedly pushed dangerous conspiracy theories from January 6 to September 11
  • Supports banning abortion before many women know they’re pregnant and wants to rip away reproductive freedoms
  • Extreme climate denier who said actions to address climate change are a “hoax”
  • Supported Trump’s efforts to tank the toughest bipartisan border deal in decades while pushing to end birthright citizenship and deport children born in America.

The fact that this group of crooks, cranks, and far-right creeps is the best Trump can offer to shill for him tonight says everything about Trump’s out of touch campaign – and it’s a sad display of just how much Trump and his campaign are failing to talk to the voters he needs in November.

Alex Floyd
Rapid Response Director
Democratic National Committee


Hi all –

Tonight on the debate stage, Donald Trump is going to try to hide from what voters already know: that his extreme and wildly unpopular Project 2025 agenda is “undeniably a Trump-driven operation” – and if given the chance, he and his Project 2025-backed VP pick JD Vance will enact their horrifying vision starting on Day One.

Here are the facts about Donald Trump’s clear ties to Project 2025:

And it’s no surprise why Trump is going all-out trying to hide his clear-cut connections to Project 2025. This extreme agenda is full of wildly out-of-touch and toxic policy proposals that drive away voters, such as:

  • Banning abortion nationwide with or without Congress.
  • Threatening access to IVF and contraception.
  • Gutting checks and balances to give Trump unprecedented power over our lives while undermining our democracy.
  • Tax giveaways to the billionaires and tax hikes on the middle class.
  • Ending the Department of Education and ripping away funds from public schools.
  • Rolling back student loan debt relief for those who need it most.

Bottom Line: No matter what lies Trump tries to tell on stage tonight, there’s no hiding from the fact that his Project 2025 agenda was written for him by his extreme, close allies – but voters can stop him from ever getting the chance to enact it this November.


Alex Floyd
Rapid Response Director
Democratic National Committee


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