John Foust Has Twice as Much Cash on Hand as GOP “Attack Dog” Barbara Comstock


    The second quarter 2014 numbers are rolling in, and there’s good news for the “blue team” in Virginia’s 10th Congressional district race, at least on the money front. In spite of expectations that Barbara Comstock would be a money machine, calling in favors from all her Bush Administration and far-right-wing pals, it turns out that Democratic nominee John Foust is more than holding his own (see press release on the “flip”). According to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission, here are the key numbers as of June 30, 2014.

    *John Foust’s campaign has $1,125,718 cash on hand as of June 30, a nearly 2:1 advantage over Barbara Comstock’s $575,890.

    *”Due to a discrepancy in primary reporting deadlines, Foust and Comstock reporting periods do not line up chronologically. Comstock reported for the period of 4/7/2014 – 6/30/2014. During this time Comstock raised $610,797.62.  Foust’s report covers 5/22/2014 – 6/30/2014. During the exact same period as Comstock (4/7 – 6/30), Foust raised $699,931.67.”

    *Among Comstock’s contributors were some real doozies: Michael Chertoff, who “played a role crafting the Bush Administration’s torture policies when he was with the Department of Justice;” “massacre denialist” and indicted/convicted Iran-Contra conspirator Elliot Abrams; Clinton/Lewinsky grand inquisitor Joseph diGenova; warmonger and Sarah Palin cheerleader William Kristol; “outer” of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame (ergo a traitor) Lewis “Scooter” Libby; author of the idiotic Bush tax cuts (who also underestimated the cost of the Iraq War by a factor of 10-30!) Lawrence Lindsey; the extreme, egregious David Ramadan;  House Speaker John Boehner (’nuff said on that one); modern-day Joe McCarthy wannabe Darrell Issa; Bush Administration warmonger, Jesse Helms “protege”, and of course Benghazeeee conspiracy theorist John Bolton; the Koch brothers (of course!); the NRA (ditto!); and many other fine, upstanding folks like that.

    Anyway, there’s no doubt that money from torture afficionados, warmongers, Bush Administration buddies, conspiracy theorists, Clinton prosecutors, Iran-Contra figures, corporate tools and right-wingnuts of all types will continue to pour into Barbara Comstock’s campaign treasury. Clearly, these folks sense a kindred spirit in Comstock, and that’s a terrifying thought for anyone other than the far right. Which is why I encourage everyone to donate to Democratic nominee John Foust, a great guy who has an excellent chance of winning this open seat in the “swing” 10th district this November (that’s a big part of the reason he’s in the DCCC’s “Red to Blue” program). Just consider: by helping Foust defeat Comstock, the Congress you save may be your own. 🙂 Your country thanks you.

    John Foust Raises Over $700K,

    Has Nearly Double Cash On Hand Than Comstock

    FAIRFAX, VA – In another sign of strong momentum, John Foust’s campaign announced today that they have outraised Barbara Comstock during the most recent reporting period.  

    From April through June, Foust’s campaign raised a total $705,148.83, bringing the total cash on hand to $1,125,718.40. Foust ended the period with more than $1.1 million cash on hand compared to $576 thousand for Comstock. In a further indication of Foust’s strong grassroots support, roughly 97-percent of total contributions Foust received has come from individual contributors.

    “I’m incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support we’ve received,” said John Foust. “Whether it’s cutting wasteful spending or supporting important priorities that our community cares about like education, Northern Virginia residents want to send the kind of practical problem-solving we practice in Fairfax to Washington – and these numbers are more proof that our message is resonating across the district.”

    *Due to a discrepancy in primary reporting deadlines, Foust and Comstock reporting periods do not line up chronologically. Comstock reported for the period of 4/7/2014 – 6/30/2014. During this time Comstock raised, $610,797.62.  Foust’s report covers 5/22/2014 – 6/30/2014. During the exact same period as Comstock (4/7 – 6/30), Foust raised $699,931.67.


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