BREAKING: Gay Marriages Could Begin in Virginia on August 20


    Great news from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, which earlier today “denied a request to delay implementation of its ruling striking down Virginia laws denying marriage to same-sex couples.” What this means is that, “unless the Supreme Court intervenes, couples may begin marrying and having their out-of-state marriages recognized in Virginia on August 20.” (As AG Herring’s office noted in an email a few minutes ago, “Under the rules of the court, the order is effective 7 days from the day it is issued, barring intervention by the Supreme Court of the United States which could issue its own stay.”)

    One more thing this ruling means: (anti-marriage-equality-amendment author) Del. “Sideshow” Bob Marshall’s head, along with a bunch of other right-wing homophobes’ heads, are probably exploding right about now. 🙂 Stand clear! LOL

    P.S. Of course, as it’s been pointed out to me, it is quite possible the U.S. Supreme Court will issue a “stay,” just as they did in Utah. Sorry to be a killjoy, or rather remind everyone that the Supreme Court could be a killjoy…


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