Home Media WaPo Loses “the single most essential journalist on the democracy beat,” While...

WaPo Loses “the single most essential journalist on the democracy beat,” While Others Who “launder reactionary nonsense” Remain.

Seeing "such a prominent pro-democracy voice losing this platform in this current moment" is very "ominous"


Georgetown University Visiting Professor Thomas Zimmer really nails it here, regarding the superb Greg Sargent announcing that he’s leaving the Washington Post (while numerous REALLY BAD opinion page columnists – for instance, Marc Thiessen, Hugh Hewitt, Megan McArdle, Kathleen Parker, and George Will – remain, for whatever reasons. As Zimmer explains, Sargent “has been relentless in his quest to call out those who flood the discourse with nonsense, tireless in his efforts to dissect the threats to democracy, and steadfast in his refusal to sanitize what’s happening on the Right,” and *he* is leaving??? While others who “launder reactionary nonsense” remain??? Totally f’ed up, and a really negative commentary on Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos, other “leadership” at the paper, etc. And yes, seeing “such a prominent pro-democracy voice losing this platform in this current moment” is very “ominous,” as Zimmer writes. Ugh.

P.S. Also see University of Wisconsin Political Science Professor Mark Copelovitch’s comments on this sad situation: “Quite literally, @GregTSargent  is the person @washingtonpost could least afford to lose. He’s been the single most essential journalist on the democracy beat for years. Today in ‘Neither our media nor our political system is designed to deal with a far right authoritarian party.’ Democracy Dies in Voluntary Buyouts.”


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