ABC police???


    By now everyone knows of the incident in Charlottesville where a UVA student was thumped about the head and shoulders by “Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board police officers” and left bleeding on the street.

    As I recall, this is the second such incident in a year or so.  Earlier, a female UVA student came out of a convenience store with sparkling water and snacks in her hand, got into her car, and was immediately surrounded by ABC cops demanding that that she roll down the windows.  She had to start the engine to do so and when she started the car, the cops jumped on her hood, tried to break the windows with flashlights and drawn pistols, she grazed a couple of the cops when the car moved, she was charged with assault, etc., etc., etc.

    And now I understand she sued and got a “six-figure settlement.”

    Wonder how much the current victim will receive?

    Frankly, as a VA taxpayer, I don’t want my money going into six-figure settlements because a gang of uniformed thugs who made C’s and D’s in high school feel the need to show how tough they are.

    Why do we need ABC cops?  I think it would be interesting to see how much $$$ they bring into the state treasury versus how much they cost — salaries, equipment, vehicles, lawsuits . . .

    I’m writing my state senator and HOD delegate asking that the ABC cops be disbanded.  Not that it will do any good — they’re both Republicans.


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