It’s Time to Shine a Spotlight on the TPP and Fast Track Authority


    This gets down to basic responsiveness from our elected officials — do you believe in something, or are you against it? I have tweeted at my Congressman’s Office for three consecutive days on whether or not he, the Congressman of Virginia’s 8th Congressional Distric (Don Beyer), will be voting for fast track authority for conducting trade deals and on the TPP in particular.

    So far, nothing but silence.

    These are the types of bills and deals that get decided in the quiet of the night and behind the scenes and with almost no accountability. I am 100% against this “trade” deal and its governance, but more importantly I am dismayed at how little sunlight is being shone on this process.

    I am writing this diary to encourage all of you to send tweets, emails, calls, whatever it takes to get Reps Don Beyer and Gerry Connolly on record as to where they stand.

    (And let’s be clear — as New Democrats, they are likely going to vote for these bills/resolutions. But they shouldn’t be given a free pass to do so.)


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